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12 important tips for training your children

by Abbey Lily
7 important family values to teach children -dailyfamily.ng

It is the holiday period and the children are home. It is the time most of them go out to visit friends or probably play around. There is a need for parents to be intentional about looking after them in order to know what they are doing.

This is also the right time for parents to inculcate training and teachings that would be of great benefit to the children.

Here is a list of important tips for your children:

1. Observe your Child
If a lively child suddenly withdraws from being his/her normal active person, patiently ask questions and get to know what the challenge is.

2. Control programs your children watch on TV
Activate parental control on your cable networks so that when you are not home they will not watch adult contents

3. Be mindful of adults your children spend time with
Don’t allow any adult to refer to your children as their wife or husband. If any child is not comfortable with any of his/her aunty or uncle, don’t force them to get familiar with them. When your children become obsessively fond of any adult, watch out to know what is really happening

4. Ask your children questions about their playmates
When they go to visit their friends, on arrival make sure you playfully find out the kind of play they did and who they played with.

5. Train your female child on sitting positions
Teach your girl child how to sit, whether they are at home or outside

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6. Don’t get dressed in the presence of children
Learn to excuse your children whenever you are getting dressed. Don’t get naked in their presence no matter the age of the child

7. Teach your children about sex
Give your children sex education so that the society will not teach them wrongly. It is better they hear the right thing from you

8. Peruse new reading materials of your child
Whenever you get them any new material, whether cartoons or books, go through them first before handing it over to them

9. No one should touch their private parts
Tell your children never to allow anyone touch their private part and make sure you call it by its name. This has to start from you safe when you are bathing them

10. Involve them in house chores
As they grow up, teach them how to do house chores and you can start from teaching them how to wash their panties

11. Don’t buy revealing clothes for your children
Don’t buy revealing clothes for them as this may attract paedophiles. Also, make sure you dress decently too because your children are watching.

12. Teach them your family values.
Let your children understand your family values early in life so that they can live by it. Also, teach them to be humble and appreciative to people at all times.


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