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4 Romantic words that can bring you closer to your spouse

by Family Center
5 Romantic Words That Turn your Husband on

4 Romantic words that can bring you closer to your spouse
Of all the evils in the world, I believe that a family consumed by selfish words is the worst, especially when there are spouses who prefer to be right to have peace or prefer to hurt instead of protecting and caring.

Family life is wonderful when surrounded by the people we cherish, but this kind of feeling can only be enjoyed when there are parents who love and care for each other.

Look at the 4 words that can prevent evil in your home and bring you closer to your spouse:

1. Forgiveness
Lasting relationships are filled with daily doses of forgiveness, for when a spouse decides to forgive or seek forgiveness from their partner, the differences diminish.

Words like “I’m sorry” ease the pain of error, and those who have been hurt find a way to forgive. Even if it takes a while, it’s worth the wait.

Remember that yielding and seeking reconciliation will not make you weak, but it will make you strong, for only the strong are able to build a great and true love on the foundations of sacrifice.

2. Hope
Hope should be nourished in the home as much as love, but both are left aside when adversity appears.

Marriage blindness occurs when guilt and despair over adversity take the place of hope and support. Because many couples, instead of trying together to seek the solution of the problems, focus on the tragedy, “point the finger” and blame the other for the occurrence.

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Love needs to be stronger than challenges. Believing that “everything will work out” needs to be a constant attitude for couples, this will rekindle hope in the home, and together, husband and wife will rebuild their dreams and their lives, even if they have been torn apart.

With hope everything is possible! Clinging to hope is the answer and it must subsist in the family always. You never give up on your partner, your children, and especially on love.

3. Prayer
The family is holy and needs divine help to keep themselves safe, so it is important for spouses to pray as a couple, to pray with their children and to pray individually.

Marriage is made of ups and downs, but the couple who bend their knees on the floor and pray for their family tends to overcome all the “tides” of life, no matter how they arise.

The prayer of a husband and wife is the most powerful tool to calm family tensions because it has the power to bring peace and remember the meaning and value of each member of the family.

4. Love
There are no discussions, mistakes or differences that can overcome true love. So why are there divorces? Sadly, divorces exist because of the absence of love and excess of selfishness, since many couples choose to want to be right than to want to be loved.

Love your spouse on favorable days when you are surrounded by gentle and kind words and attitudes, but also, do not forget to love him when he least deserves, because there will be the greatness of his love.

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Article by Akinbode Toluleke check up Twitter on taakinbode

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