Despite the many advances in modern medical science and the increased accessibility to health care services, some aspects of Old Age still remain a challenge.
1. Mental Decline
Changes in mental function that an older person may experience are not usually from dementia. Forgetfulness may not necessarily be ascribed to old age as it can occur in all age groups. While some memory lapses are common in later life, most elderly people live out their lives in complete control of their mental abilities.
Even though, younger people usually surpass older ones in the speed at which they recall specific facts, with appropriate education and training, healthy older brains continue to learn, to remember and improve specific abilities.
2. Loss of Sense of Usefulness/Self-worth
Many older individuals fear they may no longer be seen as useful. Limitations that are due to poor health can contribute to feelings of inadequacy, and compulsory retirement can undermine one’s sense of Self-worth. By concentrating on what they are able to do, rather than being discouraged by what they can no longer do, elderly people can retain a sense of self-worth and usefulness. A UN report recommends a continuing growth through formal and informal learning, participation
in community organizations and religious activities, to keep the mind of the elderly active as they get older.
3. Depression
Depression among the elderly is not a part of the normal aging process. Prolonged clinical depression in contrast with normal sadness is a serious illness with potentially serious consequences. Untreated depression can worsen and become so entrenched that some patients may resort to suicide. Depression, as a mood disorder is a treatable condition. If it persists the person may need to see a psychiatrist for professional advice and treatment.
4. Usual Confusion
Sudden usual confusion can be caused by conditions such as malnutrition, dehydration, anaemia, head injury, thyroid problem, vitamin deficiency, malaria fever, hypertension etc or even the side effect of medication. They should not be mislabeled due to “old age” or “senility” without proper medical examination and test, to establish the underlying cause, as this may be demeaning and discourage the elderly from seeking proper medical treatment.
5. Stigmatization
In many societies, the elderly are those who convey knowledge as well as moral and spiritual values, to succeeding generations. But, unfortunately in some cultures, the elderly are despised as “old school” and often times stigmatized or labelled as “witches” or “wizards” without any justifiable reason other than the fact that they have managed to live to old age and are still up and doing. This can be very frustrating to elderly people who desire to be loved and appreciated more than anything else.
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