5 natural appetite suppressants that will help you lose weight safely
Losing weight is an issue that is part of many people’s lives regardless of why. The problem is that many women see weight loss as a phase of great suffering, and this has a lot to do with being constantly charged for a “perfect body.”
It is important to think about weight in a different way, and not forget that each woman has a different body, a unique structure that makes her the best possible version of herself.
The ideal even for those who intend to lose weight is to have the help of an endocrinologist, who can do a complete evaluation in metabolic and hormonal terms.
In addition, seeking the advice of a professional in the area of nutrition is also cool, because when we know better the food that is part of our routine, we end up understanding that it is possible to eat them without guilt and in a smart and healthy.
Luckily, there are some foods that have an action in our body that can reduce our urge to nibble something from time to time, and if you include them in your diet, it will possibly have a satisfactory result when it comes to climbing the scale. It is worth remembering that this process is slow, that healthy weight loss does not happen from day to night and that you do not have to feel guilty about it:
1. Green Tea Extract
Consumed for thousands of years, green tea is still one of the healthiest natural beverage choices. Its medicinal properties involve from the prevention of dementia to improvement in the metabolic system, as it contains antioxidants and other substances that improve the functioning of the hormones that give us the sensation of satiety.
Some studies have already proven that green tea is a great ally of those who want to lose weight – an experiment conducted with a group of people revealed that those who consumed that substance had, after 12 weeks of treatment, low levels of ghrelin, which is the Hormone that makes us hungry.
In addition, these people had better cholesterol levels and low levels of a substance called adiponectin, which is related to problems like insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and major inflammatory responses.
Green tea is also known to decrease the proliferation of fat cells and even by helping to burn body fat. The ideal is to consume three cups of tea a day – in some people, tea can cause headaches, constipation and urinary problems, so it is important not to exaggerate the dose and stop consumption if these symptoms appear.
2. Saffron
This ingredient is linked to mood regulation since it has the ability to increase levels of endorphin and serotonin. In terms of suppressing appetite, saffron helps us to be less willing to pinch anything between one meal and another.
Just for you to have an idea of the power of this seasoning, after eight weeks of frequent consumption, it even manages to decrease levels of depression and the symptoms of premenstrual tension. Some recent studies indicate that using the chemical version of saffron, Crocetin, can give us breath while practicing physical activity and even help us burn more calories.
The ideal is to consume 30 milligrams per day of saffron over the course of eight weeks. If you have depression and are taking treatment for the disease, consult your doctor before undertaking this experiment.
3. Grapefruit essential oil
Grapefruit has been the subject of studies related to weight loss thanks to its antioxidants, volatile oils and enzymes that reduce the urge to eat and give us extra energy. This fruit is so powerful that even the smell of it can make us feel less hungry, you know.
This is because the smell of grapefruit oil stimulates the activity of the adrenal glands, which accelerates weight loss. The act of looking at the fruit makes us produce the satiety hormone, and then the hunger becomes less aggressive.
Even the grapefruit peel has its benefits, after all it contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that help us digest sugar and fat better, helping the blood glucose levels to stay balanced. Because of these properties, grapefruit oil proves beneficial for diabetics – it’s always nice to see your doctor before taking the product.
4. High fiber foods
The fibers have the ability to improve bowel function and digestive functions in general. In addition, they can lend us a helping hand in keeping our immunity high and heart health at full throttle.
This fibrous component is not digested but it can absorb the water in our body and when it does it swells and gives us the feeling of satiety, which is great for those who seek to eat less. Diets high in fiber are associated with longevity, inclusive, and a healthier life overall.
Poor fiber feeding is associated with the onset of heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, overweight, obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and gastrointestinal problems.
To ensure that your diet contains fiber, be sure to consume foods like chia seeds, flax seeds, fresh vegetables, beans, and of course fruits.
5. Spicy foods
Naturally spicy foods are anti-inflammatory and help your body burn fat and suppress hunger. Items such as pepper, curry, saffron, ginger, dandelion and cinnamon are also good for balancing sugar levels in your blood and to make you feel less need to eat sweet things.
Spicy ingredients end up speeding up our body’s metabolic activity, enhancing even the digestion process. To improve, they are items that have almost no calories and are easy to use in various recipes.
When you bet on spices and herbs to prepare your food, you end up reducing the use of salt, which is a substance that retains liquid and can increase your weight. When preparing meats, vegetables and soups, for example, bet more on spices and less on salt. Your health and your diet will surely win.
It is worth remembering that when the goal is to lose weight, the ideal is to have the assistance of an endocrinologist and a nutritionist.
These professionals can evaluate your case in a specific way and indicate the best steps for you. Either way, maintaining a healthy diet is always possible – with care and knowledge you can promote great improvements to your health.
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