-Bisi Adewale
5 Relationships You Must Have With Yourself To Have a Solid Marriage
Successful marriage involves having a solid relationship not just with your spouse alone but also cultivating sound relationship with yourself. This entails you manage the following part of yourself very well: 5 Relationships You Must Have With Yourself To Have a Solid Marriage
1.Your Character. Your character will determine the end result of your relationships. Character is something that can only be consciously developed.
Develop good characters like homeliness, care, teachability, perseverance, friendliness, forgiveness, fashionable, hardworking, self-control, positive communication, appreciation, sexual fidelity, hospitality, among others. Separate yourself from bad habits like adultery, laziness, abusiveness, violence, malice, moodiness, prayerlessness, oversleeping, greediness, perfectionist tendency, anger, night crawling, etc. character is marriage, marriage is character.
2.Your Thinking. Condition your mind to think positively about your spouse. Think of what to do to make your spouse happy. Avoid negative thoughts towards your spouse. If you can think it, you will definitely do it. Your thinking determines your actions.5 Relationships You Must Have With Yourself To Have a Solid Marriage
3.Your Beliefs. Base your belief only on what the Bible say about marriage and not what people or traditional says.
4.Your health. You need a sound health to build a sound marriage. Never neglect your health, service your body, don’t wait for sickness before you attend to your body. Eat right, avoid junks, eat fruits. Exercise your body very well and rest.
5.Your Self-esteem. Believe what God can do through you. Believe in yourself and your spouse. Never look down on your stature or present state.