Home » 5 Tips to Sleep Well During Pregnancy

5 Tips to Sleep Well During Pregnancy

by Family Center

5 Tips to Sleep Well During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, most women experience some discomfort with their posture, especially during rest periods. These discomforts are very common because as the month’s pass, the belly starts to become heavy, causing back pain during the day, as well as swelling and difficulty sleeping at night.

With this, the pregnant women end up having difficulties to sleep, and still they can lose the sleep. But to improve this situation, the alternative is to seek out tips to sleep well during pregnancy.

In early pregnancy it is very common for women to feel more sleep during the day, as it is at this stage that the level of the hormone progesterone in the body increases.

However, there are pregnant women who suffer from sleeping well during this period. And the cause of this difficulty for a restful sleep may be the anxiety or insecurity of carrying the baby.

If you are having trouble sleeping during gestation, check out the following, some tips to sleep well during pregnancy.

1. Sleep in the right position: The best position for the pregnant woman to sleep, is with her belly facing the left side. This position is the most ideal because it facilitates blood circulation between the mother and the baby, helping to send more oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.

In addition, the most recommended is lying down with the belly facing out of bed, as this position avoids unnecessary stress on the back when getting up.

2. Avoid cramps: Most women suffer from cramps crises until late in pregnancy, especially at night. To improve the pain at the time of the crisis, the best recommendation is to stretch the leg and massage the place until the discomfort passes.

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To avoid crises, the best alternative is to use an anti-reflux cushion and antivarizes, as it helps in blood circulation and relaxation of the legs.

3. Make the spine aligned: One of the best tips for getting a good night’s sleep during pregnancy is to keep the spine aligned at bedtime. For this, you must use a cushion under the belly to support and leave the back aligned.

The use of a cushion at bedtime is very important because without it you can end up supporting the belly in the bed, which can cause twisting in the spine.

4. Use pillows to get a better rest: A good alternative to getting a good night’s sleep during pregnancy is to use a pillow to support the head, at a height that fits perfectly between it and the mattress, forming a 90-degree angle in the neck.
Also, leave the knees semi-flexed, with a body pillow or a roll between them. This way the belly weight is compensated and you have more support to rest.

5. Exercise regularly: Among the best tips for good sleep during pregnancy, it is worth highlighting the regular practice of light exercise.

It is very important that every pregnant woman practices some kind of light physical activity because they release substances that will make her relax at bedtime.

In order not to harm your health and your baby’s health, it is best to talk to a specialist about the best activities during pregnancy.

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