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5 ways to be self-disciplined as an entrepreneur

by O. S David
5 ways to be self-disciplined as an entrepreneur

5 ways to be self-disciplined as an entrepreneur

-Ojo Oluwasegun

Being an entrepreneur has its great rewards and this big word, “Discipline”, is what stops many from becoming truly successful.

They lack the discipline to carefully study every aspect of a business before committing to it.

They lack the discipline to test their assumptions rather than jumping to conclusions and hoping for the best. Hope by itself is not a strategy.

#1 Identify and determine your ideal customer

The exact person who can and will buy your product or service in sufficient quantities and at a price you’ll need to charge in order to justify going into and staying in that business. Your ideal customer is a smaller segment of your target market.

#2 You need the self-discipline to be proactive rather than reactive.

Also, follow a focus on solution development rather than the deep problem analysis.

#3 Focus on the MOST important things

You need to focus and refocus on the MOST important thing during every hour of every day rather than getting side tracked on low or no value activities.

Being busy with activities is NOT the same as focusing on results. Become results oriented with a defined desired outcome.

#4 You need the self-discipline to settle in for the long term.

A long-term perspective business and in life will lead to success. Business is built on relationships and these take time to progress from Know to Like to Trust.

#5 Discipline yourself to set aside dedicated time for yourself and enjoying your family. 


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