by Gideon Dosu


Bisi Adewale

There are many challenges Parents face when parenting Teens. Every parent one time or the other will have to face them. If you know how to handle them well; you will keep your Teen out of trouble.

Check this powerful quote by Dr Phil

“There are thousands of voices in the ears of our children and our challenge, as parents, is to make sure that ours is the loudest

Yes, do everything to make your voice loudest in the ears of your children and avoid trouble with them in future.

1). EARLY SEXUALIZATION: Statistics all over the world today shows how many Teens are exposed to Sex at very tender age, some as early as 13, with many getting addicted to sex.

It’s a very Major challenge every parent will have to face.

WHAT TO DO: Let your Child know that Sex is not meant for Teens but for the Married, open your Child up to adequate sex education, this will help greatly.

2) ASSOCIATION: Friendship is another challenge every parent will face. Your Child will have to face peer pressure as a Teen except you go into the moon to raise him.

WORK TO DO: Open up your children to deep teaching about friends and friendship. Let them know the value of positive friendship and the danger of negative ones. Above all, pray for your children about their friends and divinely set them up for Godly friends.

3) SOCIAL MEDIA: The Internet and Social media is another battle facing Teens today. Lots of Teenagers are influenced on the Net, Cyber bully is strong in town now. Socialization is having another definition as it moved to the Net. Connections for drug, sex, violence, occultism, gang war, sexual violence, connection with unknown opposite sex etc. is  done through the net

See also  Strong instructions your teenagers need

WHAT TO DO: Let your child know the danger associated with social media. You too have to get up and upgrade yourself, know about the social media. You can’t be an analog parent and raise digital Children successfully.

4) ALCOHOL AND DRUG: Lots of Teens are getting hooked on drug and Alcohol. This is destroying the life of many of them and it is the foundation of many violent crimes among Teens.

WHAT TO DO: Don’t keep quiet, speak out, tell your Children about the danger of Alcohol and Drug. Pray against them in the life of your Children too.

5) NEGATIVE BEHAVIORS: Some Teens suddenly develop negative behaviors such as lying, stealing, oversleeping, violence, laziness, disobedience etc These sudden change in behaviors do hurt Parents greatly.

WHAT TO DO: Pray against strange spirit not to enter your child. Correct them in love. Pray for them, show them love and open them up to the word of God.

7) RELATIONSHIP WITH OPPOSITE SEX: Adolescence age is the time all Teens begin to have feelings for the opposite sex, they want to have a relationship and think of having sex. These often open them up for endless troubles. They begin to steal to meet up the financial demand of relationship, they tell lies, their academic life begins to suffer, they begin to abandon all the values their parents inculcate into them over the years.

WHAT TO DO: Teach your Children right things about a relationship and its timing.

Get quality and Godly books on relationship, sex and friendship for your Children, I will recommend my books:

See also  Amazing Facts about Billy Graham’s 63 Years Marriage that will make you Believe in Love

PURE GOLD (for girls)



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All these books will help your Children to know the truth about relationship and sex and avoid the pitfall that destroyed many Youths.


Culled from Handling challenges of Parenting Teens 


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