6 Ways to Annoy a Single Mother
Most of us, at one time or another in life, feel like giving up, believe that everything is lost or that we have only made mistakes. Feelings like these arise and disappear according to our choices. Sometimes we make choices that take us away from happiness, others bring us closer to happiness, because when we have peace for the good choices, we find the way to happiness.
We are builders of our own dreams, sometimes we plan and even make a lot of efforts to make our dreams come true. However, there are dreams that are built and only materialized with the support of other people, such as the dream of forming a family.
So we allow our partner to be a part of everything we want and everything seems perfect, until at some point we find that we have always been alone in the construction of that home. The responsibilities were abandoned and with it hope in the conjunge. The will to give up takes over, because everything seems to have collapsed and we do not even feel that there is “ground”.
However, we feel that we should look around and see the best of life: the children. We have regained our strength, wiped away our tears, straightened our shoulders and did what other women did, became the caretakers of our homes, and carried with dignity the name of single mothers.
We can follow some tips to escape questions and comments without logic and some even malicious that irritate every single mother of the type:
1. I like you, but your child disturbs
It’s a stupid thing to say to a single mother.Before mothers become single, it has been observed that they discipline their children well to the proper degree. So, why remind them now of the fact that they are single and cant train their children? Where there is no place for my family, there is no place for me.
2. Come alone
“Come alone” is another stupidity that single moms are sometimes not happy to hear at all. So, when a friend tells them to just come along, they are viewed as less important because the man is not there, and then they cannot help themselves.
3. You have to get a husband
Most people think that because you are a single mother, you have to run desperately to get a husband. Or other other hand, because you are single and mainly a mothers, you must be very cautious in choosing, because not only will you choose a husband, but you will also be choosing a A masculine figure in which our children will mirror, and surely we will not want any “one” to assume such a responsibility.
Well, never forget that there are different reasons why a mother becomes single. Many are never planned for, and bargained.
4. Waiting for the “Prince Charming”
I have heard many times that that women are waiting for a “Prince Charming”, after the death of her husband. Well, do not forget that you need to realize the timing period of her husband’s demise, and also her getting a new spouse. Do you think that she needs a prince charming? Then you surely need to make her decide that.
The single woman makes choices for her life, if it works out, perfect! If it does not, it only hurts. Unlike the single mother, she has to choose what is best for her child and only then will she know what is good for her as well, since for single mothers the balance needs to be on the same level between love and responsibility.
5. Arrange a parent for your child
Single mothers need to be careful who gets into their lives. There are exceptions, but in many cases, some make it clear to their children that no man can take their fathers place.
Introduce your child only when the relationship is already more stable, protecting the child from the trauma of another separation, another loss.
6. Do you go out and leave your child with others?
People do not understand that single mother also needs to get out, talk and have fun without missing out on her mother responsibilities. If she leaves a few times and leaves the child under the care of her grandparents, uncles or a qualified caregiver, she is not lacking in her role as mother.
Single mothers do not like the above phrase, but be rest assured that you can give them a whole new light. Take care of a single mother, and never take advantage of her.