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7 Major Wisdom Men Need For A Successful Marriage

by Abbey Lily
7 Major Wisdom Men Need For A Successful Marriage

7 Major Wisdom Men Need For A Successful Marriage

7 Major Wisdom Men Need For A Successful Marriage

-Bisi Oludare

7 Major Wisdom Men Need For A Successful Marriage

7 Major Wisdom Men Need For A Successful Marriage

Marriage will be great if men can understand the fact that their support is needed to make it work. It will not work if they depend only on their wives to make it work.

Men are specially created with some sets of wisdom that will make marriage easy for them and then they will not only enjoy the marriage but have heaven on earth marriage.

Wisdom has been described to be the application of knowledge which is the application of those good and great things you know. Inferably if these things are not applied then it makes no difference

The following are major wisdom men need for a successful marriage

1. Headship Wisdom: you are the head by default as the creator made it and there is nothing anybody can do about it. As the head, you need the wisdom to direct the affairs of your home without mis-using this authority you have as the head

2. Leadership Wisdom: Leadership Wisdom is different from headship wisdom. Being the head is who God made you be but leadership position is what you attain by the virtue of what you have learnt in your headship level. So as the head, you need to learn as much as possible so that you can lead without being tyrannical and being a dictator

3. Protective Wisdom: as a man, you have been made to protect your family and shield them from attacks. You need this wisdom to know which strategy to use in protecting your family. It is this wisdom that will help you know how to protect your wife from your family especially if you have a mother that is hard to please so that there won’t be friction

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4. Financial Wisdom: money indeed answers all things and the love of it is the root of all evils. You need the wisdom to make money, save money and spend money. Love of money can break your home if care is not taken. You need financial wisdom to be able to cater well for your family

5. Faithfulness Wisdom: this is seriously needed in a family in order to keep the fire of your love burning and also allow your spouse to keep on trusting you. Once you have wisdom in this area, you can be sure that your wife will trust you and will be able to vouch for you anywhere.

6. Self Discipline Wisdom: no woman wants her husband to cheat on her so you need self-discipline in order to keep your sanity

7. Sexual Wisdom: it has been recorded that some women hardly initiate sex, you need the wisdom to be creative in this area so that you will know how to help her initiate and enjoy sex with you and you must make sure you don’t get it outside but only with your wife.


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