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7 steps to dribbling the monotony of marriage

by Family Center

7 steps to dribbling the monotony of marriage
According to a sexuality specialist, Relationship Coach and creator of the Well-Solved Women Program, she said that there are ways to combat the sameness and warm up the marriage.

She, however, opined that although many say that marriage tends to cool after 7 or 10 years, this can occur at any time, because for the monotony entering the relationship is not about time, but about the way the couple does not react To the daily relationship routine.

However, she claims the big villain is the couple’s lack of communication, and she, however, opined the following things, to avoid monotony in marriage:

1. Respect Individuals
“Humans are individual creatures,” so it is critical that a husband and wife have their individualities respected and are not “glued together” all the time.

Spouses should go out with friends or do separate activities. “Being away for a while misses you, which is very good, but for that it is necessary to have something fundamental: Trust.” “You have to trust and be trustworthy.”

2. Be happier to have more sex
In the same way that people who have sex are happier, happy people start to have more sex, putting an end to their bad mood.

“A good-natured person faces life more lightly, and whoever is well into the sex life ends up solving problems with another mood.” In this way, the relationship becomes healthier and the problems begin to have different weights.

3. Talk and respect
The main lessons of marriage are in communication and respect, so to stop talking is a serious mistake and losing respect ends up aggravating the situation even more.

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There are people who believe they do not hurt their spouse physically, but they do so with words, and this tends to undermine the relationship, for the consequences of violence hurt as deeply, whether physically, psychologically, or verbally.

4. Say goodbye to the “ploc kiss”
How many marriages end up falling into the routine because both the husband and the wife start offering each other the “kiss” type kiss.

Sadly, the sex lives of these “sweethearts” only happen at night when they are sought out, and when they do, sex has become “cold and mechanical.”

5. Have a common goal
Romanticism does not always have to exist when the relationship needs to become healthier, as there are several types of couples, some romantic, but there are also adventurers, who adventure through travel. There are “home” couples and others who have different habits.

However, what really matters in order for the relationship of these couples to be positive and healthy is that the spouses should have one goal in common. Knowing what both are offering in the relationship to achieve this goal is of great value because if the two seek the same activities together, marriage has everything to be satisfying and rich.

6. Leave more
Although there are many “homemade” couples, getting out of the rut is important for the well-being of the relationship, like walking together. “Do not expect to fall into monotony. Do something different, go out to dinner, go to the movies.” A healthy relationship is made of healthy activities together, the spouses can invest in a different dance, to enhance the couple’s sexual performance.

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7. Change the thinking about pregnancy
It is very important to change the way men think about pregnant women and their children. There is, in many of them the famous “saint’s syndrome,” in which the wife who has had children has a title of woman who must become a puritan. “Being a mother is just another role, which does not replace or erase all others.”

Many women are more likely to have sex during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. “After being a mother, she remains a woman, and men need to take care of it in their thoughts because that is where the traditions come from.”

You can see that the monotony that occurs in marriage can indeed be stopped and also worked upon. We are sure that you will apply this few points out and indeed be happy that we did.

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