7 Tips Before Choosing A Baby Feeding Chair
At the end of six months of life it is indicated that the baby begins to receive a complementary feeding to the breastfeeding. The meals should be increased with fruits, vegetables and juices and experts recommend that between 6 to 8 months of the baby, when he already sits with support, a food chair is purchased.
It is common to find parents who prefer to feed the baby until they are big enough to sit at the table, but this practice is not indicated by pediatricians.
The feeding chair is an important item since it makes the baby well, from an early age with a place and times intended for their meals, helping in the creation of a feeding routine. In addition, it is an important safety item when it comes to feeding the baby.
Currently, a wide variety of makes and models of power chairs is available in the market. There are chairs that fit the table; The traditional models, where the chair and tray are raised by a tall stand and the booster, seats that fasten themselves with belts to the chairs, raising the child.
With so much variety it is common to have doubts when choosing the best option. Check out some tips that may help you:
Seat Belt: As the high chair is one of the main components is the seat belt, which should be preferably five points.
Leg retainer: Choose models that have the leg retainer, as this item prevents the child from slipping under the tray.
Caster on non-slip feet or feet: There are models that have casters that make it easy to drag around the house. If the armchair you choose does not have wheels, ideally it has non-slip feet, not to slip.
Safety Lock: Make sure the product has a safety catch, which does not allow the chair to close and hurt the baby.
Comfort: Choose a model that has a padded, soft and fluffy cover.
Ease to clean: choose a model that is made of a waterproof material. Choose options where frequently soiled parts can be easily removed for washing.
Height Adjustments: Choose the models that have the option of adjusting the height of the chair, the tray and other accessories.
It is also important to check the Inmetro seal to ensure the safety inspected by the body.
How long should the chair be used?
Manuals state that the feed chairs support an average of 15 kg. He estimates that by the age of three, the use of the chair should be replaced, since the child can reach the table with the aid of a cushion to raise the seat of the chair.
Although very useful, experts recommend that the power chair be not used with a punishment place and also not be positioned in front of the television. In addition, models with music and toys should be avoided, since the main focus of the moment should be family feeding.
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