by Family Center

7 Ways to Give Your Family  Special Treat This Easter


Easter is here again and you don’t want to celebrate it the usual way you have always celebrated. This is another opportunity to add some spices to the tradition. Move away from the norm that your family is used to and give them something special they will remember even after the season. Get creative with things you will do this Easter.

Here are 7 mind blowing ideas on how to treat your family:

1. Beautify and decorate your house: People think house decoration is only for the Christmas season where you get Christmas tree, accessories and do floral arrangements. The world is evolving and you can move along with the pace this Easter as you give your house a new look. You can rearrange your sitting room, clean, mop, and pack away rubbish from the house.

2. Plan and Shop ahead: It is very important and economically wise to shop ahead. Plan ahead, make your list and shop before the rush hour. This will save your time and you may get to buy at a reduced price.

3. Ask your family members for input: Peradventure you get stuck in the middle of your planning, contact your family members to have their opinion and you will be surprised at the interesting things you will get from them. Gather information to know what they want.

4. Cook special soup and dishes: if you have always been cooking the same soup all through the year, this is an opportunity to change it. Google is your friend even if you don’t know what to cook. Prepare a special dish from another tribe and make it delicious. I can assure you that they will love it.

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5. Make up your mind to promote peace this period: Reconcile and reconnect with people, let go of grudges. Create a family bonding time; it’s going to be holiday period anyway, maximize the period.

6. Visit fun places and Spend quality time together: if you look very well, no matter where you are living there are recreation places to visit. Go out with your families and friends to catch fun. You need a cool place to unwind; it is good for your body and soul

7. Remember to reach out to families, friends, loved ones and less privilege: your celebration is not complete if it is just about you. You have to check on people especially by extending the hands of love to the less privileged.

Try any of these this season and you will be happy you did.

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