9 foods that can be frozen and you did not even know
Surely you already regretted having to throw away some food that ended up spoiling by not being consumed in time.
The pain in the heart is great, but unfortunately, once the food has passed its lifespan, the only way to avoid contamination and gastrointestinal problems is to get rid of it.
But that does not mean you can not avoid waste. One of the most practical food preservation techniques in existence is freezing, which slows the development of microorganisms at low temperatures.
To better enjoy the food you have in your home, see 9 of them that can be frozen and you probably did not know:
1. Coffee
Did you make a pot of coffee and end up a little? It’s not cool to reheat, but you also do not have to throw everything down the drain.
The tip is to freeze the coffee in ice cubes to use the cubes in cocktails, ice coffees and other recipes.
2. Lettuce
Did not she have time to consume the whole lettuce when it was fresh? One solution to harnessing the greenery is to beat the leaves in the blender with a little water and freeze the preparation in ice packs.
In the future, cubes can be used in creams and soups to add flavor, fiber and other nutrients.
3. Banana
Bananas that are getting a brown color, indicating that they are passing from the point of maturity and almost beginning to ruin, can be taken to the freezer still in shell.
These fruits can be used in recipes such as cakes and muffins by simply defrosting them in the microwave.
4. Fresh herbs
You must have gone through the situation of buying a packet of spices at the fair and, no matter how small it was, use only a little bit and have to throw the rest away.
To avoid waste, you should chop the leaves into very small pieces, place them in ice cubes, cover the cubes with olive oil, and then store in the freezer to conserve the flavor and aroma of the seasonings.
5. Margarine and butter
Butter and margarine can be stored in the freezer provided they are stored in tightly sealed containers, isolating them from contact with the environment and other foods.
6. Cured or mature cheeses
Although fresh cheeses such as ricotta and mines and curd do not react well to freezing, it is possible to freeze mature or cured cheeses.
The cheese plate and mozzarella can be frozen in sachets closed to vacuum and consumed normally after being thawed. Cheeses such as brie and gorgonzola, in turn, lose some of their texture, but can still be used in recipes.
7. Eggs
The eggs easily spoil in the refrigerator and even more out of it, but you can increase their life time by putting them in the freezer.
The trick is to mix the clear and the yolk and store them in vacuum bags or pots with little air. One tip: note how many egg whites and yolks are being frozen so you do not make mistakes when using them in a recipe.
8. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are foods that, in a short time, begin to show signs of contamination, mainly by mold.
To increase shelf life, you can store them in the freezer for use in sauces and stews.
9. Grapes
Have you bought a huge bunch of grapes and will not be able to consume them in time? Know that you can freeze these fruits so that they are used later in juices and recipes.
In addition, you can use a grain of grapes to chill your wine glass when you do not have time to cool it to the correct temperature.
Remember: as much as freezing increases the shelf life of food, this technique does not have the power to reverse a decomposition process. If you notice any sign that the food may be damaged, the safest attitude is to discard it.
Article by Akinbode Toluleke check up Twitter on taakinbode
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