9 Major Causes of Divorce
I will exhaustively discuss divorce and some of the issues behind it This write-up is aimed at portraying the factors that lead to divorce in this part of the world. You will agree with me that two things are steadily on the increase in this country. First, the rate at which people procreate, and second, the divorce rate is alarming!
Sex is a serious issue but unfortunately, it is one subject people, especially in Nigeria, usually shy away from because of fear of being labelled as corrupt. But statistics have shown that most cases of divorce in recent times actually arise from issues related to sex.
When couples don’t derive the needed sexual satisfaction from each other, they may decide to call it quit and seek the satisfaction somewhere else.
Most African men naturally have ego issues and this has broken more homes in recent times. In this era where feminism is growing, most women who seek equal rights with their husbands are often quick to question the man’s superiority complex.
Superiority complex makes it difficult for couples to compromise on certain things to have a successful marriage.
Some couples will not bring themselves low to apologize to each other and settle differences and may stay for months without talking to each other.
Many people tend to delve into marriage without giving it a second thought and divorce becomes the next available option when they realize that they shouldn’t have entered into it in the first instance.
The rate at which couples’ cheat is quite alarming and is one of the top reasons why many marriages hit the rocks.
It is common to hear people say that infidelity is a deal breaker for them when it comes to relationships.
Lack of money is one of the reasons many homes have been broken in recent times. Some gold diggers get married expecting too much from their partners and when they are not getting what they need, divorce is the next thing.
In as much as money is very important, it shouldn’t form the basis for jumping into a marriage in the first instance because even if the money was there as at the time of sealing the marriage deal, a time may come when the money may not be as sufficient as it used to be and at that point, the essence of entering the union gets defeated and divorce would come calling.
Many people get married because they want to have children and when they don’t achieve their aim, divorce becomes imminent for the impatient ones.
The issue of infertility could come from either the man or the woman, but we live in a society where women are judged for the inability to conceive.
It gets frustrating and most women who can no longer bear the fire may decide to opt out.
Westernization and technology advancement have done more harm than good to the country.
They top the chart of reasons for the spate of divorce in Nigeria.
Most young couples want to model their marriages to look like what they see in the movies oblivious to the fact that they live in a different environment.
They are distracted by too many things and the various social networks and modern media are not even helping matters at all.
Some people hop from Facebook to WhatsApp, Badoo, BBM and all other social networks that expose them to too many alternatives and at some point, they may begin to compare their spouses to some of the people they come across on these platforms.
Communication is a very important tool for every successful marriage. Some couples over stretch issues and it gradually degenerate into serious problems.
Once the communication gap becomes too wide that couples begin to live in separate worlds of their own despite living under the same roof, the marriage may not survive it and divorce will occur.
For the rate of divorce to reduce, people should learn to get married because they want to get married and not for some wrong reasons.
If more couples are ready to work hand in hand to achieve a common goal, the rate of divorce will drastically reduce.
Social Media
This factor wouldn’t have been included if I wrote this article around the 80’s and maybe the early 90’s, but today you would attest to the fact that this factor is one of the obstacles obstructing a good and healthy marriage. With the advent of social media applications like Whatsapp, BBM, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the rest of them, marriages have moved from an organic institution to a cosmetic one, the pressure to show off what is supposed to be private becomes the order of the day. A little quarrel with your husband or wife, and the whole world already knows about it, matters that are meant to be secretive are suddenly made a subject of public debate.
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