Amazing Health Benefits of Flaxseed
Flaxseeds, sometimes called linseeds, are small, brown, tan or golden-colored seeds that are the richest sources of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) in the world! Another unique fact about flax seeds is that they rank #1 source of lignans in human diets.
First, keep in mind that flaxseeds are Nature’s ingenious design for preserving the precious cargo inside: highly therapeutic, though fragile polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, and other fat soluble vitamins. This also means that you don’t have to worry about refrigerating it. Once the seed is ground up and exposed to air, light, ambient fluctuations in temperature, and time, it begins to “go bad,” i.e. oxidize and degrade. This is why many make a daily practice of grinding up their own seeds in a coffee grinder to ensure maximum freshness. While I think this is a great idea, not everyone will have the time or desire to adhere to this daily routine. This is why some purchase pre-ground flaxseed. I am not against the practice. My only stipulation is that the buyer makes sure the manufacturer has nitrogen-flushed the container so that oxygen didn’t get into the package at the time of manufacture.
Reasons why you need flaxseed;
1. Dietary flaxseed alters tumor biological markers in postmenopausal breast cancer. flax may be associated with decreased risk of breast cancer. Flax demonstrates antiproliferative effects in breast tissue of women at risk of breast cancer and may protect against primary breast cancer. Mortality risk may also be reduced among those living with breast cancer.
2.Flaxseed consumption may reduce blood pressure.
3.Flaxseed significantly reduced circulating total and LDL-cholesterol concentrations.
4.Flaxseeds Protect Against Radiation Exposure.
5. May Be A Potent Ovarian Cancer KILLER.
6.External Flaxseed Oil Treats Carpal Tunnel Syndromevery
7. Flaxseed Is A Heart Disease Reversing Food.
8.Flaxseed Improves Skin Quality: A 2010 study found that supplementation of flaxseed oil diminishes skin sensitivity and improves skin barrier function and condition.]
9.Flaxseed Helps the Swollen Prostate: A 2007 study found that dietary flaxseed improves lower urinary tract symptoms in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia.Weight loss.flaxseeds and walnuts may reduce obesity and support weight loss.
10. Weight loss.flaxseeds and walnuts may reduce obesity and support weight loss.
11. Flaxseeds are Gluten-Free.
12.Flaxseeds are High in Antioxidants (Lignans).
13. High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
14. Menopausal Symptoms therapy.
15. Improves digestive health.
16. High in Fiber, but Low in Carbs.
17. Artery-Dilating Flaxseed Proven A Potent Healer.
18. Inflammation,Two components in flaxseed, ALA and lignans, may reduce the inflammation that accompanies certain illnesses (such as Parkinson’s disease and asthma).
19.Rich Source of Vitamins and Minerals: Flaxseed is rich in most B complex vitamins and vitamin E, as well as minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and iron. Vitamin E is essential for healthy skin and bones. Potassium maintains nerve health and iron is a vital component of red blood cells and many enzymes that affect our general metabolism.
20.Contains Phytochemicals.
21. Boosts Immunity.
22. Beneficial for Dieters.
23. Maintains Eye Health: Flaxseed consumption can reduce “dry eye” syndrome. Also, the omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of macular degeneration, an eye disease caused by damaged nerves in the eye.
24. Maintains Kidney Health.
25. Nourishes Hair and Nails: Flaxseed oil can treat brittle hair and nails and prevent them from splitting. It is also effective against irritating scalp conditions caused by eczema.
26. Good Source of Proteins: Flaxseed is a rich source of dietary proteins, having a high essential amino acid index and providing most of the daily intake of proteins that our bodies need.
27. Rich in Flavonoids.
28. Contains folate: Folates in flaxseed contribute to avoiding neural tube defects in the fetus when consumed during pre-conception period and pregnancy.
29. Flaxseed dietary fiber supplements for suppression of appetite and food intake.
30. A randomized controlled trial of the effects of flaxseed lignan complex on metabolic syndrome composite score and bone mineral in older adults.
In summary, There are two varieties of flax seeds; brown and yellow or golden, with most types having similar nutritional values and almost same amounts of short-chain omega-3 fatty acids. The seeds should feature bright, brown or golden-yellow (depending on the variety) color, smooth, compact, and uniform in size and feel heavy in hand. They are generally available in airtight packs as well as in bulk bins.
Whole flax seeds may be placed in cool, dry place for many months, while its powder form should be placed inside airtight container and kept in the refrigerator in order to avoid them turn rancid.
Flax-seeds have no harmful effects on health when used in small quantities. However, its seeds contain a lot of mucilage fiber in their outer coat which when eaten in large amounts may cause stomach pain, bloating, and laxative diarrhea. Eating raw flax seed is not advised for its possible risk of cyanogen-glycosides toxicity.
Also, lignans in flax possess estrogen-like activity. Therefore, excess consumption of flax and its products may not be advised during pregnancy for its possible hormone interactions. (Medical disclaimer)
Anna Dosu is a health ambassador and the CEO of Oasis of Living Food Venture. You can reach her on Twitter: @dosu_anna80, and
Amazing Health Benefits of Flaxseed
Amazing Health Benefits of Flaxseed