Challenges of a working Mom- Finding the balance
In this modern society, every working mom faces numerous challenges which come from the different demands of life and work that arises every day.
In fact, a lot of planning and support is required to manage a household as working moms have to take care of so many things about her husband, children, family, work, business and other aspects of life at the same time.
As a working mom, it is very important for you to find a balance between these areas. Doing this without a plan may cause instability and other problems in every aspect.
How can a working mom find a balance? The following tips would serve as a guide in ensuring success as a working mom:
1. Plan your day:
A working mom is involved in lots of activities both at home and at work daily.
For you to be able to give adequate attention to these activities, you must create a plan. This plan will serve as a guide and an agenda that needs to be followed.
When creating a plan, start from the most important activity to those that are less important.
Choose a moment in between the agenda to take time off to relax and avoid being stressed out.
You would realise in the long run that your daily plan would ensure effectiveness and efficiency in areas concerned.
2. Enrol your baby in a day care:
It is very challenging for a working mom to take care of her baby especially at work.
If your work will not permit you to give adequate care to your baby, kindly enrol him or her in a day care that is appropriate and closer to the office, where you can check on the baby.
3. Cook your food and keep in the refrigerator:
A working mom would most likely arrive home late from work which means she may not have time to cook early for her family.
To avoid this, prepare your food and keep in the refrigerator.
4. Set priorities:
It is important to set the right priority as a working mom because you are faced with so many tasks that need to be done.
Setting the right priority helps you to avoid doing unnecessary things that may not add value to your day.
5. Pay attention to your children’s needs:
One of the challenges faced by working moms is coping with work which distracts them from focusing on the needs of their children.
To strike a balance and be a successful mom, you must pay attention to the needs of your children.
6. Pay attention to your husband’s needs:
Your husband must not be neglected because of your busy schedule. You must make an effort in balancing things up by also paying attention to the needs of your husband. Give him the care he deserves.
7. Get a maid:
A working mom needs a maid’s support in managing her home because it would be difficult to do so all by herself.
A good and responsible maid would take care of house chores and the children while you are away at work.
However, you must be careful by not leaving the responsibilities in the home in the hands of the maid so that your position in the home won’t be threatened.
8. Get home appliances and gadgets that will assist you:
To ensure that house chores are done with little stress, you should get appliances that will help in the kitchen and the entire house. The appliances will assist you to get your chores done fast.
9. Get a home teacher for your children:
Most times, a working mom will have to attend to the academics of her children despite her busy schedule. Get a home teacher for your children that can attend to their academics and assist you in this regard.
10. Involve your spouse in taking care of the children:
A mother is not meant to take care of the children alone, but with her husband as well. Let him be involved in taking care of the children in some aspects.
11. Find time to relax:
Every working mom is faced with a lot of stress and if not managed well, she might break down.
To avoid such, find time in between your busy schedule to relax your brain, muscles and your body.
Relaxation helps your body and brain to be refreshed which leads to better productivity and effectiveness.
In conclusion, every working mom must try to find a balance in the midst of her activities. According to Laura Kalehoff, Editor in Chief, Fit Pregnancy Magazine, the most important skill for every mom is paying attention.