Do You Have a change in Urine? Then 4 Messages To Your Health
Urine is the result of the filtration of blood from the kidneys. Therefore, what the person has in the blood, will appear most often in the urine.
The urine is a normally clear liquid yellow coloring, and its formation water (95%) and the remaining substances such as toxins, urea, mineral salts (sodium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, potassium), as well as substances which the body You need to get rid of it, like drugs.
It can not contain glucose, albumin, blood, pus or acetone, as they are indicative of serious problems such as diabetes, ketoacidosis, trauma or infections.
The activity of urinary excretion is an interesting and little-known process. Some curiosities:
The human being has an average of 5 liters of blood in the body, however, the nephrons, which are the smallest blood filtration units present in the kidneys (between 1 and 4 million units in each kidney), filter more than 1000 liters of Blood daily. This means that the process is repeated several times during the day.
Although the nephrons produce about 180 liters of residual fluid per day, only 1.5 liters (on average) is expelled as urine. The rest is reabsorbed by the body. This does not mean that at some point in the day the person will have all that fluid in the body.
All water present in the human body (70% of the body) is filtered several times during the day.
By being in contact with almost all the substances present in the body, the urine is a great indicator of what is happening in the human body. Its appearance, color, odor, frequency, jet intensity and volume, tell a lot about the health of the individual.
1. What does the color say?
According to the urologist doctor, Dr. Ruiter Silva Ferreira, the ideal is that the urine has a clear, almost transparent coloration. Dark urine means that the person is ingesting little water and that there is a high concentration of urea.
Although some foods, such as beets, darken the urine, changes in color may also occur for other reasons. Urine with a strong orange or even reddish hue, which remains for more than two days, may indicate the presence of blood that, according to Dr. Ruiter, “may be due to infection, renal calculi (kidney stone) or even more serious diseases, As tumors, “explains Dr. Ferreira. When the urine is dark it is clearly a sign of lack of water. Drink more water.
2. What the density says
The density of urine is compared to the density of pure water. The density of the water is evaluated in 1000 while the normal urine varies between 1010 and 1035.
Dense urine is indicative of dehydration, kidney diseases, obesity, fever, polytrauma, postoperative and hepatorenal syndrome, but only the doctor can interpret the Values. It is useful to remember that a urine of very low density is also not normal, may indicate alcoholism, sickle cell anemia, diabetes, chronic renal failure, chronic pyelonephritis.
3. What does the frequency say
According to a pathologist, he said that a normal adult urine between four and six times a day, and the volume ranges from 700 ml to 2 liters. If someone eliminates more than two liters per day, it is necessary to check the cause, it may be for too much fluid intake, pressured bladder, use of diuretics, caffeine or alcohol.
More serious reasons are urinary tract infection, diabetes. Other causes may be kidney and heart diseases, which cause fluid build-up in the body. For a suitable frequency, one should take on average 2 liters of water per day. What varies according to body weight.
4. What does the urine test say?
In a urine test, we find difficult terms such as ketones, nitrites, bilirubin, etc. It is not necessary for patients to know what each term means since the correct interpretation of results is the responsibility of the physician.
However, some indicators of problems can be decisive to avoid postponing a consultation. Be aware of the terms and what the changes might be saying.
Blood cells: blood cells. When they appear on the exam, they mean problems. It can indicate infection, kidney stone, hemorrhages, renal diseases, etc.
Crystals: usually quantified with one, or more than one, + sign and are usually normal. Only the following crystals are indicative of cystine crystals, triple phosphate crystals (indicative of the presence of Proteus or Klebsiella bacteria).
Crystals of tyrosine, Bilirubin crystals (indicating liver problems) Cholesterol crystals (loss of protein in the urine). Uric acid crystals (indicate gout and possible cancer, such as lymphoma and leukemia).
Nitrites: Indicate urinary tract infection.
Leukocytes: counts above 10,000 indicate presence of problems or irritations in the urinary tract. Infections or trauma.
Ketone bodies: Their presence always indicates that the body is eliminating fat that may be from uncontrolled diabetes which requires urgent care, or in people with carbohydrate restriction diets (ketogenic diets in that case does not mean a problem).
It can also appear due to acute diseases, fevers and disorders of the thyroid hormones.
Article by Akinbode Toluleke check up Twitter on taakinbode
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