Check Out What Study Says Concerning Marriage And Health
Recent research shows that in Nigeria, the number of divorces has decreased, while that of marriages has increased. These data are contrary to the noisy and negative opinions about marriage, which have been receiving credit for some time.
The fact is that marriage, even in the face of natural difficulties, is an institution that has everything to succeed, depending on how the parties involved, that is, the spouses, project in this relationship.
Building in two
A harmonious marriage does not happen by chance, it is a two-building that is worth a lot. Living in companionship and partnership represents great affective, social and even financial security, as it facilitates the acquisition of goods and division of expenses.
Scientific evidence
To further emphasize this issue, studies such as the one conducted in the USA, point out that marrying decreases stress levels and increases immunity. That is: marriage is also good for health!
The research cited was based on tests conducted in laboratories involving 572 healthy adults, aged between 21 and 55 years, and showed that among married people the levels of cortisol, a hormone released in stress situations, are much lower than among the unmarried, divorced and widowed.
The matter that deals with the subject realizes that:. “… scientific work explains that cortisol has peaks in the morning and is reduced during the day Among married people, the decrease is faster, which means lower rich in heart disease and improved protection of the body from disease.”
Being in a satisfying love relationship is therefore healthy and brings happiness. And the evidence goes much further. According to this matter, a study also interviewed 200,000 people from the US, Australia, UK and Germany to know the factors that most influenced the happiness and well-being. One of the findings stated: “It was discovered, then, that being in a loving relationship was the motive that most contributed to the positive feeling.” And for those who believe that money is everything, a tip: the search results are that being in a relationship leaves people happier than pay raise.
We are social beings and we need to love and be loved, so the search for a loving relationship is so common. Living love is part of the great human aspirations and represents a fulfillment of great importance in the life of the people.
Marriage: source of health and happiness
Studies such as those presented represent a great incentive for the construction of marriages that have this significance. Of course, because one can not generalize, and unfortunately, these positive results cannot be indicative for all marriages.
The fact is that good relationships exist and bring about great happiness, but they do not happen without genuine effort from both spouses. We must seek harmony in generous doses of love, understanding, friendship, and tolerance.
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