Couple with Down Syndrome Celebrates 23 Years of Marriage
Tommy and Maryanne have been married for almost 23 years ago now. Though at the time of the marriage, a lot of people believed that the marriage would not last for both of them have Down Syndrome. But they have proved the critics wrong.

Couple with Down Syndrome Celebrates 23 Years of Marriage.
This year, the couple will celebrate twenty-three years of marriage. And Tommy has just turned 60 years old. Yet, they are still madly in love with each other even after twenty-three years.
Lindi Newman, Maryanne’s sister, who manages the couple’s Facebook page says that “their advice (the couple’s advice) is still the same — to be honest, and to spend time together as much as possible.”
The couple met a long time ago, more than twenty-three years, and afterwards began dating. After about eighteen months of dating, Tommy decided to marry Maryanne though he didn’t have enough money for a ring. So, he got a plastic ring and propose to Maryanne.

Couple with Down Syndrome Celebrates 23 Years of Marriage.
The proposal triggered Maryanne to “jump with joy.” At the time, some criticized Martin for allowing the two to marry because they didn’t think people with Down syndrome should, or could, have a serious relationship. But Maryanne’s family disagreed.
Lindi Newman further said “My mum has been 100 percent supportive. Anyone should have the right to marry the love of their life without prejudice or discrimination.”
“Our mum has supported them from day one … Tommy doesn’t have any family,” Newman said. “They have round-the-clock support from us.”

Couple with Down Syndrome Celebrates 23 Years of Marriage.
“What keeps their marriage so strong is that there is never a hidden agenda. They love each other with their whole hearts and are honest with one another,” Newman posited.
The couple, Maryanne and Tommy Pilling, enjoys bowling, cooking and trying new activities together. They live in their own apartment, which is next to Maryanne’s mother’s and across the street from Newman and her husband in Southend-on-Sea in England.
Down Syndrome, according to Wikipedia, also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of the third copy of chromosome 21. It is typically associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features and mild to moderate intellectual disability.
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