Home » Dr. D. K. Olukoya releases the P-prophetic picture of 2018

Dr. D. K. Olukoya releases the P-prophetic picture of 2018

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Dr. D. K. Olukoya releases the P-prophetic picture of 2018-dailyfamily.ng

Dr. D. K. Olukoya releases The Prophetic Picture of 2018.

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This year (2018) has eighteen (18) at the back of it.
Numbers are symbolic in scriptures; for example:
— number one (1) signifies unity.
— number two (2) signifies division or double witness.
— number three (3) signifies divine fullness.
— number five (5) signifies grace and favour.
— number six (6) is the number of man.
— number seven (7) signifies spiritual completion and perfection.
— number thirteen (13) stands for rebellion.
— number sixteen (16) signifies love.
— unfortunately number eighteen (18) signifies bondage or oppression.

• This is why it is compulsory to pray certain prayers in this Year of bondage and affliction.

You will be interested to go through scriptures and see certain things. When the Tower of Siloam fell (Luke 13), eighteen (18) people died; that woman with the spirit of infirmity had it for eighteen (18) years (Luke 13); the children of Israel were enslaved by the king of Moab for eighteen; the Ammonites oppressed Israelites for eighteen (18) years; before the confusion of Rehoboam (the son of Solomon) started he married eighteen (18) wives.

So, the figure eighteen (18) symbolizes BONDAGE or OPPRESSION.

1. It is a year where bondage is repackaged, reloaded, upgraded and rebranded to cage more people.

In the school of deliverance, the life of man is divided into three (3) stages:

(i) Ages 1-40: This is your time of preparation, foundation laying, schooling and learning of what you are going to depend on in life. It is time to plan and make dreams for your life. Once you are in bondage at this stage, it is a tragedy indeed.

(ii) Ages 41-80: This is when you are well baked and you are on the stage of life. It is time to give back to society, family and God what you have acquired. A time to become a full grown adult and be in charge of your life and a time for people in the first phase to be looking up to you; it is the prime of life and the time you are at the best of your life. If bondage comes upon you at this level, it is a serious tragedy as the enemy will convert you to a living dead and will make you go from the griddle to the grave as an unfulfilled person. Majority of those on the cemetery do not die when they ought to die, they die unfulfilled.

(iii) Ages 81-120: This is when you are reaping the reward of the first two stages of your life. It is when you wake up and bless your children provided you are not in bondage in stage one and two.

Levels of Bondage:
– Bondage by inheritance.
– Bondage by birth.
– Bondage by decision.
– Bondage by covenants and curses.
– Bondage by dedication.

What is bondage?
Bondage is:
• conditions contrary to your well being.
• situations that bring sorrow and trouble.
• rude opposition.
• anything that inflicts stubborn hardship.
• anything brings limitation to your endeavour.
• anything that attacks your advancement.
• anything reduces your speed or stops you.
• anything that makes you fall from a great height.
• anything that is boasting that you will not succeed.
• anything that stagnates, deters or cripples progress.
• anything that keeps someone in subjection.
• a state of being enslaved.
• a position when the enemy is getting the upper hand.
• a state where the enemy makes a life bitter
• constant eating in the dream.
• sex in the dream.
• abnormal sleep.
• incapacity for living a normal life. • moral bankruptcy
• terrible fear.
• suicidal thoughts
• hearing of strange voices
• uncontrollable anger
• abnormal talking.
• nervousness.
• over sleeping.
• not sleeping at all.
• timed sickness
• self-inflicting injuries
• abnormal sex life.
• alcoholism and the drug abuses
• smoking.
• constant disappointment.
• dreaming and forgetting.
• disfavour.
• vagabond life.
• contrasting personalities.
• hatred or fallen asleep when you are reading the Bible.
• wearing dark countenance all the time.
• lying and exaggeration.
• compulsive stealing.
• obsessive eating
• restlessness
• always having vulgar language
• seizures
• blackout
• constant confusion in thinking
• difficulty in remembering things.
• irrational anger.
• depression
• horrible nightmares
• cycle of poverty that is difficult to break
• criminal behaviours.
• rebellious children
• when you see somebody who is gifted and talented but a failure.
• always having problem in relationship.
• living but waiting to die.
• when expectations are always being cut off. With all these you will a little knowledge of what is bondage; so the figure eighteen (18) stands for bondage.

MARKS OF THE YEAR 2018 (continues…..)
2. A year where the pestle will defeat the mortal.
3. A year of spiritual counterattack.
4. A year where there will be terrible attacks on marriages.
5. A year of wild and merciless attacks by strange infirmities.
6. A year where spiritual weaknesses will be a tragedy.
7. A year of fight or perish.
8. A year of deliverance from long time bondages.
9. A year of demonstration of the raw power of God.
10. A year where God will kill rebellious kings and leaders.
11. A year where many who will listen to these advices will overcome their generational bondage.
12. A year that is going to be a tragic year for those with Absalom spirit.
13. A year of the disgrace of the strongman of terror and fear.
14. This year the anger from heaven will rise to the brim against shamelessness and sexually perverse nations and leaders.
15. Many who will live a holy life will be empowered this year to re-write their family history.
16. A tragic year for Ahitophel and Gehazi ministers.
17. A year where plenty of yokes of bareness shall be broken.
18. A year where the wasting powers already planted in the lives of some young people will manifest if they don’t change.
19. A very rough year for modern day Jonahs
20. A year of double left legs and the year where the animal will pursue the hunter.
21. A wind blowing year; a year of madness of the winds.
22. A year of masquerading captivity.
23. Regular practice of personal deliverance will yield dividends this year (so get the copy of how to conduct personal deliverance if you don’t have one)
24. Laziness in prayer this year will cause havoc.
25. A year of stings from strange insects.
26. A year where God will send His rod of judgment against nations who are against God.
27. A year where the acidic rage of generational bondages will fully manifest due to the wrong teachings they are teaching the young ones.
28. A year where god will raise up non-compromising agents of redemption and deliverance.
29. A year of massive disgrace of all forms of disloyalty.
30. A year where terror will swallow terror and vomit poison.
31. We are going to needing serious prayers against the rage of scientific witchcraft.
32. A very rough year for those giving to alcohol.
33. A year of the “10 Rs”:
~ Revelation
~ Revolution
~ Restoration
~ Renewal
~ Revival
~ Righteousness
~ Recovery
34. A year where you must learn to cast your net on the right side so that you can catch the right fish.
35. A year of 1 Samuel 3:11
36. A year of great fall for those engage in practice and cover up of corruption.
37. A year of manifestation of divine suddelies for blessings and judgment.
38. A year of strange changes and shifts physically and spiritually.
39. Unless we pray really hard the global economy down turn will attracts some terror, political tumor and environmental catastrophe.
40. A year where God will raise up some radical prophetesses who would set many places ablaze for God.
41. A year where there will rage of emptiers and wasters for the rebellious especially the youth.
42. A year of horrible disgrace for those who deal with hard drugs and live a carefree life.
43. A year that those who bank with God shall reap great dividends on every side.
44. A year where the discernment is highly essential ( personal spiritual development is not a luxury but a necessity)
45. A year of political confusion and personalities working against the peace of this country shall fight and destroy themselves.

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(i) We need to get ourselves key into Fruit of the Spirit which is needed for divine acceleration and breakthrough this year.
(ii) Obedience.
(iii) Faith
(iv) A right heart
(v) Worship and prayers.

For us in the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, this year is anchored on three (3) scriptures:
♣Psalm 110:1
♣Luke 10:19
♣Galatians 6:9

So, to us in Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, YEAR 2018 IS OUR YEAR OF EXTRAORDINARY TURNAROUND.

A good prophet from God will not tell what is wrong and not tell you the way out. All prophecies of God that are devoid of mercy are not likely to come from him, but God says this is the way out and you decide that you don’t want to follow it the ball is your court. This is that kind of year.

1. Pharaoh of my father’s house that does not want to let me go, die, in the name of Jesus.
2. Agents of bondage before I leave this place today, die, in the name of Jesus.
3. (Raise up your two hands and pray this prayer point) Powers killing my
promise land, die, in the name of Jesus.
4. Fingers of the wicked elders, come out of my life, in the name of Jesus.
5. (Raise your right hand and pray this prayer point) Inherited bondage, I am not your candidate,
break, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every dedication speaking against my life, die, in Jesus’ name.
7. Agents of hardship in my body, die, in the name of Jesus.
8. Every work of the enemy in my life catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
9. Arrows from the dream hear the word of the Lord, come out of life, in the name of Jesus.
10. Resurrection power(3ce), come upon me, now, in the name of Jesus.
11. Every battle glued to my life by the enemy, break away, in the name of Jesus.
12. O God arise, answer Your name in my life, in the name of Jesus.
13. Every success of darkness in my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
14. (Raise your right hand and pray this prayer point) Every power insulting God in my life, you’re a
liar, die, in the name of Jesus.
15. Any power expanding my battles, your time is
up, die, in the name of Jesus.
16. Angels of restoration, I am here, locate me now, in the name of Jesus.
17. Battles that have started, battles that are about
to start over my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
18. The book of wicked judgment opened against me by the kingdom of darkness, catch fire, in the name
of Jesus.
19. Every battle that I collected from my parents, I bury you now, in the name of Jesus.
20. Every power reporting my progress to darkness, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
21. Any power assigned to bring me down, I bring you down before you bring me down, in the name
of Jesus.
22. Anti greatness power of my father’s house, I destroy you, now, in the name of Jesus.
23. Anti-favour spirit, I bind you and I cast you out, in the name of Jesus.
24. My mockers shall bow before me by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
25. Any power that has pursued here today, before I leave this place, die, in the name of Jesus.
26. Any grave dug for me this year, swallow your digger, in the name of Jesus.
27. My father, arise for my sake, let those troubling me, know that they are nothing, in the name of
Jesus. (Say a 7-fold amen!)
28. Those looking down at me shall hear my story, they shall be dazed in the name of Jesus.
29. Every good gate closed against me, open by fire, in the name of Jesus.
30. Every power assigned against me to convert me to a living dead, I bury them now, in the name of
31. Any dry hand troubling my body, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
32. O God, arise and take the hand of bitterness out of my work, in the name of Jesus.
33. Every battle of my father house chasing away my glorious helpers, die, in the name of Jesus.
34. Any battle that has stolen from my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
35. Every power contesting for my seats of glory, I bury you now, in the name of Jesus.
36. Every power contesting for my arising to shine,
I bury you now, in the name of Jesus.
37. Powers entering into the waters to fight me, die, in the name of Jesus.
38. The crown upon my head from heaven Lord, take me to where it will speak for me, in the name of
39. My Father, perform unbelievable and unforgettable
work in my life, in the name of Jesus.
40. Every power insulting God in my life, you’re a liar, die, in the name of Jesus.
41. Any power expanding my battles, your time is up, die, in the name of Jesus.
42. Angels of restoration, I am here, locate me now, in the name of Jesus.
43. Battles that have started, battles that are about to start over my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
44. The book of wicked judgment opened against, me by the kingdom of darkness, catch fire, in the name
of Jesus.
45. Every battle that I collected from my parents, I bury you now, in the name of Jesus.
46. Every power reporting my progress to darkness, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
47. Any power assigned to bring me down, I bring you down before you bring me down, in the name
of Jesus.
48. Anti-greatness power of my father’s house, I
destroy you, now, in the name of Jesus.
49. Anti favour spirit, I bind you and I cast you out,
in the name of Jesus.
50. My mockers shall bow before me by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
51. Any power that has pursued here today, before I leave this place, die, in the name of Jesus.
52. Any grave dug for me this year, swallow your digger, in the name of Jesus.
53. My father, arise for my sake, let those troubling me, know that they are nothing, in the name of
Jesus. (A 7-fold Amen!)
54. Those looking down at me shall hear my story, they shall be dazed in the name of Jesus.
55. Every good gate closed against me, open by fire, in the name of Jesus.
56. Every power assigned to me, to convert me to a living dead, I bury them now, in the name of Jesus.
57. Any dry hand troubling my body, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
58. O God, arise and take the hand of bitterness out of my work, in the name of Jesus.
59. Every battle of my father’s house chasing away my good helpers, die, in the name of Jesus.
60. Any battle that has stolen from my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
61. Every power contesting for my seats of glory, I bury you now, in the name of Jesus.
62. Every power contesting against my arising and shining, I bury you now, in the name of Jesus.
63. Powers entering into the waters to fight me, die, in the name of Jesus.
64. The crown upon my head from heaven Lord, take me to where it will speak for me, in the name of
66. My father, perform unbelievable and unforgettable work in my life, in the name of Jesus.
67. Every enemy assigned to arise on the day of my answer, what are you waiting for, die, in the name
of Jesus.
68. Every mighty hand, assigned to trouble me on the day of my glory, I overcome you today, in the
name of Jesus.
69. The strongman assigned to trouble me on the day of my answer, die, in the name of Jesus.
70. I recover my life from every satanic government in the name of Jesus.
71. Whether the devil likes it or not, I shall get to my promised land, in the name of Jesus.
72. Every arrow that cages the brain, go back to your sender, in the name of Jesus.
73. O God arise, give me a sign that will silence my enemies, in the name of Jesus.

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