Want to know one reason why most relationships become boring after the first few months of meeting? It is because of one little comfort zone called “see finish”.
That point where you get too comfortable with your partner that you loose sight of their natural needs as a human being.
That point where you know them too well that you stop trying to learn new things about them.
That point where you can choose not to be nice, and kind, and humble, and respectful because you already know they’ll still love you all the same.
It is awesome to get close with your partner to that level where you can completely be yourselves around each other, talk freely, act freely as best of friends. In fact, familiarity paves the way for greater intimacy and love between two people, but do not become too familiar with your man that you forget to acknowledge his headship and accord him his respect as a shepherd over you.
Do not become too familiar with your woman that you ignore her feminine side that craves for your attention, affections and care. This is the point where familiarity breeds contempt; when the respect and honour begins to wither.
Here are a few quick tips to help you deal with familiarity in your relationship;
* Always allow your partner finish before interrupting, especially when the topic of discussion is an important one. Learn how to switch characters, don’t do on a serious conversation what you do on a playful one. I’m talking to both parties here, before speaking learn to say “baby can I say something?” Or “Darling can you please listen to my opinion when you’re done with yours? It shows respect for your partner, even though the next minute you will start jumping all over each other like two grown babies, but for that moment let your partner know that you haven’t lost your respect for them.
*Watch your words and phrases too. Most times the things we say might come out harmful or funny to you, but your partner might think on it later and find it offensive.
I have never for a day said ” morning” to my best friend Chocolate, even as over familiar as we are. It has to be “Good morning love”, I don’t let our familiarity get in the way of honouring her.
It is good morning, not morning.
It is thanks love, not tnk u.
It is OK baby, not kkk.
It is how are you doing, not hw u.
It is good night, not gnt.
It is I’m sorry, not m sowi.
Your words and phrases are so important guys, don’t let the familiarity take away the natural respect you’re supposed to have for each other.
We can laugh all day, talk all night, gossip other people as we like, call each other funny stupid names and say our good nights, but in the morning it will be wonderful to get a call or a text from you that says something like ” Good morning my Queen” or “Good morning my priest”. Don’t let familiarity rob you of the natural needs of your partner.
Say ” thank you sir” as much as you say “thanks baby”.
Say ” you are welcome ma” as much as you say “you’re welcome darling”. Use yes ma, yes sir as occasionally as you can in your communication.
These are the simple things that drives our relationship, I hope you will start making the corrections where necessary today.
Author unknown
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