Home » Check Out Fruit Diet That Wipes Out 8 kg in 10 days: See How To Do It

Check Out Fruit Diet That Wipes Out 8 kg in 10 days: See How To Do It

by Family Center

Check Out Fruit Diet That Wipes Out 8 kg in 10 days: See How To Do It
The new fruit diet is an emergency solution, that is, a diet that has great potential for weight loss but should not be performed intermittently.

The ideal is to carry out this diet for a maximum of 10 days in order to dry a few kilos to enter a party dress or even to parade bikini on the beach.

Learn how to properly do this diet that can dry up to 8 kg in 10 days!

How to make the new fruit diet
Menu 1 and 6 days

200 ml of natural fruit juice (your choice) + 1 apple

Morning snack

200 ml of soy juice


1 american cup of fruit juice + ½ papaya papaya.

If you are very hungry, also drink 1 cup of skim milk.

Afternoon snack

½ melon.

Have a dinner

Avocado sauce with potatoes chips (preferably roasted).


1 apple.

Menu 2 and 7 days

1 piece of watermelon + 1 piece of melon.

Morning snack

2 cups of strawberry tea with plain yogurt.


2 medium-sized bananas + 1 cup of soy juice.

Afternoon snack

1 orange.

Have a dinner

1 papaya.


Varied green salad with glass of juice.

3rf and 8th-day menu

½ melon + 1 cup of natural yogurt.

Morning snack

2 small apples.


Fruit salad with natural yogurt.

Afternoon snack

1 piece of watermelon.

Have a dinner

½ avocado + 1 piece melon + 1 American cup of natural fruit juice.


Fruit vitamin of your choice.

4 th and 9 th day menu

2 small apples + 1 cup of plain yogurt.

Morning snack

1 piece of watermelon.

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½ papaya + 1 piece of watermelon + 1 american cup of fruit juice.

Afternoon snack

3 pears.

Have a dinner

Varied green salad + ½ melon + 1 american cup of fruit juice.


1 glass of skim milk.

5 th and 10 th day menu

1 glass of vitamin with fruit of your choice.

Morning snack

½ melon


1 plate of fruit salad with natural yogurt.

Afternoon snack

1 american cup of natural fruit juice + 1 apple.

Have a dinner

Green leafy salad + 1 american cup of fruit juice.


1 cup of tea of ??your choice.

Important Tips
– Make 6 meals
The new fruit diet will only work properly if you perform 6 meals a day staying healthy.

Remember that by adding so many fruits you need to be constantly well fed.

– Do not keep your diet for more than 10 days
Because it is a food restrictive diet, it is essential that it not be prolonged for more than 10 days.

– Diuretic diet
Know that this is a diuretic diet so that about 40% of the weight eliminated will be water so know that probably part of what was eliminated will return.

– If you have any reaction like feeling headaches or bowel problems stop the diet.
How about putting the new fruit diet into practice and eliminating up to 8 kg in 10 days?

Article by Akinbode Toluleke check up Twitter on taakinbode

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