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“Give Your Offerings In Pounds And Dollars,” Clergy tells members.

by Family Center

“Give Your Offering In Pounds And Dollars,” Clergy tells members.

Adenike Akindude

Rev Canon Christine Shimanya, a Ugandan clergy has told her members in a sermon that they should stop changing pounds and dollars into shillings and bring their offerings in Pounds and Dollars as God needs them.

The Reverend said this while giving a sermon on Sunday, July 9 at Namugongo Martyrs Church of Uganda. She said:

“Some Christians have dollars and pounds earned from international conferences; instead they change the money to Shillings before bringing it to church as an offertory. Bring those dollars and pounds, God needs them.”

In support of Shimanya’s warnings, Canon Henry Ssegawa said: “Some church members are already contributing in dollars, pounds, Kenya Shillings name it. They have told you to bring dollars and pounds so please give dollars and pounds as an offertory.”

Rev Shimanya has advised Christians to seek God for Prosperity, she said they should repent and pray that God will clear the way of their blessings. She added that Parents should build their children and help them to become responsible persons by being strict and tough on them.

She said: “If you plant righteousness in the family, you will reap good children. Be strict and tough on children to have them grow up into responsible persons.”

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“Give Your Offering In Pounds And Dollars,” Clergy tells members.

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Adenike Akindude

Rev Canon Christine Shimanya, a Ugandan clergy has told her members in a sermon that they should stop changing pounds and dollars into shillings and bring their offerings in Pounds and Dollars as God needs them.

The Reverend said this while giving a sermon on Sunday, July 9 at Namugongo Martyrs Church of Uganda. She said:

“Some Christians have dollars and pounds earned from international conferences; instead they change the money to Shillings before bringing it to church as an offertory. Bring those dollars and pounds, God needs them.”

In support of Shimanya’s warnings, Canon Henry Ssegawa said: “Some church members are already contributing in dollars, pounds, Kenya Shillings name it. They have told you to bring dollars and pounds so please give dollars and pounds as an offertory.”

Rev Shimanya has advised Christians to seek God for Prosperity, she said they should repent and pray that God will clear the way of their blessings. She added that Parents should build their children and help them to become responsible persons by being strict and tough on them.

She said: “If you plant righteousness in the family, you will reap good children. Be strict and tough on children to have them grow up into responsible persons.”

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