Home » Homemade Recipes to Fight the Swollen Tummy

Homemade Recipes to Fight the Swollen Tummy

by Family Center

Homemade Recipes to Fight the Swollen Tummy
Have you ever wondered what the medical term for swollen belly is? Then it is called the distended abdomen.

This problem can have several causes, some of things need to be careful and pay special attention.

The swollen belly is the sensation of abdominal augmentation and discomfort, usually caused by excess gas. But the swollen belly can be a symptom of more serious conditions, such as pregnancy and even cancerous tumor in the region of the abdomen.

Let’s list some of these causes and if you have already consulted a doctor and it is nothing more serious that could harm your health, follow our homemade recipes to fight the swollen belly.

1. Pregnancy
Who has never heard of women who spent most of their pregnancies without knowing they were pregnant?

This can happen because there are women who do not notice the change in the menstrual cycle – usually those with a very irregular cycle – and because the belly of some women may not grow much. It is not uncommon to happen to obese women.

The abdominal swelling is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy . This swelling is caused by the body’s preparation for receiving the pregnancy and is similar to the swelling caused by menstruation .

In the cases mentioned above, this swollen belly of early pregnancy may remain until the final months and be confused with the pregnant belly , which may not appear.

2. Parasites
The swollen belly may also be caused by the presence of parasites in the body. If the swelling is accompanied by diarrhea, blood in the stool and vomiting, you should watch out.

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Chances are you have some kind of worm. The recommendation is that you visit a doctor as soon as possible to take the necessary exams and begin treatment.

3. Intolerance to lactose and gluten
Not everyone is born with intolerance to some kind of food . This condition can be acquired over time and the swollen belly is one of the symptoms of lactose intolerance and gluten .

This happens when the body can not digest these substances, causing bloating , discomfort , diarrhea and flatulence.

It is important to note if these symptoms appear soon after consumption of lactose and gluten and thus go to the doctor and nutritionist for changes in your diet.

These were some of the most serious causes of swollen belly in the home treatment would not solve but, a visit to a doctor with a treatment more specific.

Now before the homemade recipes to improve the problem of swelling in the belly, let us condider some of the causes that natural treatment can have good results:

1. Gases
Sometimes we attribute the swollen belly to the amount of gas present in our gut, but, according to studies, the relationship does not always confer. Research has shown that patients who felt their tummy more swollen than others did not necessarily have more gut in their gut .

This discomfort, which is attributed to the amount of gas , is usually caused by eating hard-to-digest foods. Some examples are:









Soft drinks

Artificial sweeteners

2. Intestinal constipation
Better known as constipation , the constipation is when the body has often gases and can not release them. This can also cause swollen belly and discomfort.

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Homemade recipes to reduce swelling
There is no secret to improving the symptoms and discomfort of the swollen belly . Those tips that your grandmother or mother should have already given you, eating foods rich in fiber such as papaya and plum are worth.

These foods facilitate the elimination of feces and gases that may be standing in the intestine causing swelling.

Homemade recipes to end the swollen belly

The green tea , besides being a great ally in fat burning and weight loss , can also help reduce bloating.

The drink helps in detoxification, digestion and acceleration of metabolism. These actions can also help in the movement of feces and gases that the body has difficulty expelling.

Making tea is simple. The herb is sold in any natural products store.

For a liter of water, put two tablespoons full of the herb as soon as the water starts to release the first few bubbles.

With the container closed, let the herb rest for about five minutes.

Then just take it hot or cold.

The tips for avoiding the swollen abdomen also have to do with food. Stop eating too many foods that contain flour, milk or yeast.

And always remember that if the symptoms continue and are strong, seek a doctor!

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