Home » Horrific! Man Chop A 15-Year-Old Manhood Because He Was Sleeping With His Daughter.

Horrific! Man Chop A 15-Year-Old Manhood Because He Was Sleeping With His Daughter.

by Oba Samuel

Horrific! Man Chop A 15-Year-Old Manhood Because He Was Sleeping With His Daughter.


Over-protective nature of some Fathers about their daughters can over-stretch to the point of shedding the blood of any guy that ‘tresspass’ such is the case of a furious Father who chop off the manhood of a boy because he thought he was sleeping with his daughter. Horrific! Man Chop A 15-Year-Old Manhood Because He Was Sleeping With His Daughter.


According to nationalhelm, the incident came to light on Tuesday after the boy’s family claimed the girl’s family were responsible, and demanded action against them.
The young lad’s dad claimed the girl’s father and three of his friends kidnapped the boy and attacked him – because the girl’s dad thought the pair were having a fling.

He claimed: “The girl’s dad and his accomplices kidnapped our son from his school and took him to a deserted place near Ravi river. “They brutally chopped off his sexual organ and pricked his eyes in revenge, and then fled. Boy in Hospital 2Horrific! Man Chop A 15-Year-Old Manhood Because He Was Sleeping With His Daughter.

The teenager was found bleeding profusely by a passerby, who took him to hospital.

The incident is being investigated by Lahore Police, who have arrested all the accused in the case.


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