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How to know the kind of business to do in 2018 Part 2

by Family Center
How to know the kind of business to do in 2018 Part 2-dailyfamily.ng

Every gift you have is not for decoration, you can make a positive impact and make money with it. No matter who you are and where you are, you are gifted.

In my new book, I wrote about 15 Ps of business success, and I will be sharing just 4 Ps with you.

1. Passion and Purpose- There are many people who have failed to discover and develop their talents, but no one is born empty. You have at least a gift inside of you. Every talent and gift you have has the potential of making you a multi-millionaire.

i. If you are passionate about Food business, the Association of Fast Food and Confectioners of Nigerian (AFFCON), an umbrella body of Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) has revealed that the Nigerian food industry is estimated to worth over a trillion Naira, with the Fast Food segment gulping over N250 billion, and this number is still expected to rise in the future.

ii. If you are passionate about farming, the National President, Nigeria Cassava Growers Association, Pastor Segun Adewumi, has said with the right government policy, the country can make an annual income of N20 trillion from cassava cultivation. This is just from cassava business alone.

iii. If you are passionate about entertainment and media, do you know Nigeria’s entertainment and media industry has been forecasted to grow to $8bn by 2019?

IV: If you are passionate about Beauty Business:- Did you know that cosmetics, beauty and personal care products in Africa are a multi-billion dollar business opportunity?
According to market research firm Euromonitor International, the beauty industry in the Middle East and Africa was estimated at about $20.4 billion in 2011. Of this figure, South Africa alone represented $3.9 billion; Nigeria and Kenya are second and third among sub-Saharan nations, with Kenya’s market totalling more than $260 million.

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2. P – Problem: – You need to ask yourself what Problem can you solve with your passion and purpose? The money you want is with people, if you can meet their need, they will be more than willing to pay you money in return. Money is simply a reward for solving problems.

I was with the CEO of Lentus Foods 2 days ago, and he showed me an order from a company who need 200 tons of cassava products monthly. Per ton is N310,000, that is N62million for the 200 tons of cassava monthly. You need to look for a sector that needs your talent seriously. There must be a demand for what you carry.

3. P – Practice: Acquire knowledge and understand the business of your talent. Nobody will pay just because you can cook, they will pay you because you understand the business of your gift. Turn your talent into the skill that can attract money. Practice is what makes you skilful. Practice is the process of training your talent, while skill is trained talent. Nobody wants your talent in its raw state. People want skill (trained talent).

4. P – Product: Create a product out of your gift and talent. Come up with a package people can pay you money for. The cloth you wear is someone’s product, the question is where is your product?

Kehinde Olagbenjo



Also read: Massive End of the year opportunity for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

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