Home » Husbands should ALWAYS prioritize their wives (especially above these 6 people)

Husbands should ALWAYS prioritize their wives (especially above these 6 people)

by Family Center

Husbands should ALWAYS prioritize their wives (especially above these 6 people)
You have decided to marry your wife because she is your favorite person. That means you need to treat it as your favorite person every day for the rest of your life.

When you were married, you promised to “leave all others, from your family to friends and then stick to just one person that truly captivates you.” It is not important to honor this vow not just because you promised, but it is the key to building a strong relationship. So if you want your relationship to last forever, you need to put your wife in front of these six people:

1. Your children
Of course, there will be nights when you will see your little squirming between you and your spouse, but overall, spending time with your child means having less time with your wife, it’s time to set new priorities. It is important to take your father responsibilities seriously, but allowing the father role to take place at the expense of your husband responsibilities is not worth it.

If you are in a situation where you have to choose between supporting your wife or supporting your child, choose your wife.

2. Fictional women
Using pornography as a substitute for real intimate relationships with your woman has the power to damage your relationship with her in various ways. It can distort your satisfaction with her appearance, reprogram your brain to be activated only by pornography and cause you to devalue other important parts of your marital relationship. Do not allow images on a screen to distort your relationship with your spouse.

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3. Another woman
It should be obvious, but there are enough people who forget, so it’s worth mentioning. No other woman should come before his wife. That means you do not tell your best childhood friends what you do not share with your spouse.

It means being careful about the amount of time you spend (and how you spend that time) alone with women who are not your woman. Be careful, because even innocent relationships with other women can intensify before you realize it.

4. Your mother
No family member should rank higher than his wife. As a husband, it is your responsibility to be on her team, no matter who may oppose her (even her mother). This may require effort. You may have to make a commitment or some kind of agreement to be on the same side, but it is something you need to do to make your wife a priority.

5. Friends
You should not abandon your friendships when you get married. However, no relationship (no matter how old) should be more valued than your relationship with your wife.

6. Virtual friends
It’s so easy to get sucked into your cell phone. Even when you’re in the same room as your wife, you’re sifting through social media feeds, seeing pictures posted by distant friends or people you have never seen.

Should not it be obvious that time with your wife is more valuable than the time with these people you do not even relate to? Be aware enough to recognize when the time spent on the screen monopolizes your attention.

See also  5 Tips To Avoid Fights in Relationship

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