“Love is just a Word if it is not Demonstrated”—Betty Irabor
The CEO of Genevieve Magazine, Betty Irabor, wrote about how love should be shown and expressed in her online post.

Betty Irabor
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Mrs Betty Irabor shared her experience with her husband, Soni Irabor who got out of sleep to attend to her after she suffered a headache.

Soni and Betty Irabor
The Author and Entrepreneur wrote that small gestures really matter in relationships as actions speak louder than words.
Here is what she wrote:
“So last night I had a headache which actually started 2 days earlier. The week was intense! I just casually mentioned the headache to my husband about 10pm when he was already in and out of sleep. The next minute he was up, and seconds later he came back with the blood pressure monitor and insisted on taking my blood pressure. He took his time and each time he took my my pressure he calmly showed me what it read; 120/80. He repeated the routine 3 times just to be sure and then satisfied that there was no cause for alarm and that I will see my doctor the next morning went back to sleep!
In relationships, it is the small gestures that really count. Often times we ignore those valuable gestures in our search of the bigger game which oftentimes is mere illusion, a mirage: an exercise in futility. Each day I learn that actions speak louder than words in relationships. Believe me, saying I Love You to your partner every second of the day and waiting for valentine to spoil them silly means nothing when your action says how little you actually care. Love is so easily bandied around in relationship but it’s oftentimes the biggest lie! It doesn’t take much to say “I love you”. If you teach your parrot long enough it will soon learn to babble “I love you, I love you” with an annoying frenzy until you scream “shut up”. Love is just a word if it is not demonstrated in acts of love, friendship, care and affection.
And Remember also that “you can’t give what you don’t have”. Most times we want something we ourselves are not capable of giving or appreciating ….”
You can also read this: Betty Irabor celebrates Sister on her 30th Wedding Anniversary
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