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What you should not do early in the dating process

by Family Center

What you should not do early in the dating process
The beginning of a relationship is usually magical and special. In this period of dating we think of each other all day long and hope that the weekend will come soon to be close to the person we are in love with.

However, this special phase is also the time when the couple are getting to know each other more deeply, meaning telling stories, sharing ideas, and talking about various other subjects.

It is precisely in this phase of knowing about the other that we women want to enchant the companion, showing our qualities, thoughts on various subjects, ideas, among others.

At that point, you have to be very careful not to pass on an unreal image of what you are in order to please the partner. In order not to risk scaring your partner or putting your relationship at risk, know what you should not do at the beginning of the relationship.

1. I want to marry and have children
It’s okay that this is your dream or desire, and there is nothing wrong with your plans either. Many women want home and have children, that is, build a family.

However, this issue should not be discussed early in the relationship. This period is better for the couple to get to know each other better and enjoy the moments of passion. This matter of marriage and children may be over.

After all, if the couple is still getting to know each other, there is still plenty of time to do about the future.

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2. You are way better than my ex-boyfriends
This phrase may seem like a great asset to please your partner. However, as much as it may sound like a compliment plus many people, this kind of comparison is not welcome at the beginning of a serious relationship.

But that also does not mean that you are forbidden to talk about your past relationships, since your partner may want to ask about your past experiences.

3. You look a lot like my ex
This sentence can be a total disaster early in the courtship. So do not ever say “my old boyfriend liked that too,” “you look a lot like my ex,” and so on. These phrases that seem to be harmless can cause an unpleasant mood between you early in the relationship.

It’s okay that everyone has a past, but what you’ve experienced with another person should be on your side.

4. I want to know everything about your past
Many women like to ask their partner several questions at the beginning of the relationship, but you have to be careful at the time.

You have to be careful with the questions because asking or demanding that your new boyfriend talk about details of your past may sound negative and scare the partner. If he wants to tell you more about his past relationships, that’s fine.

These are just a few tips you should not do early in the courtship. But beyond them, one must be careful in the beginning of the relationship so as not to scare your partner.

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