Home » OMG! See A Man Allowed His Fiancée To Keep Sleeping With Other Men For Money Making

OMG! See A Man Allowed His Fiancée To Keep Sleeping With Other Men For Money Making

by Oba Samuel
OMG! See A Man Allowed His Fiancée To Keep Sleeping With Other Men For Money Making

OMG! See A Man Allowed His Fiancée To Keep Sleeping With Other Men For Money Making

Andrews and Kat’s love story is strange one as he agreed that Kat should continue her prostitution

According to mirror.co.uk, now Kat will be married in white ­before the year is out. And Andrew’s mum has given her blessing. OMG! See A Man Allowed His Fiancée To Keep Sleeping With Other Men For Money Making

Overjoyed Andrew is in no doubt that he doesn’t have a problem with Kat ­continuing as a prostitute.

He told The People : “There are too many people that judge but I am objective. I can separate what is Kat’s job. I doubt it will ever come between us.”

In her work, Kat can sleep with up to five men a day, always practising safe sex. Andrew says they have a normal sexual relationship even after she has been working. OMG! See A Man Allowed His Fiancée To Keep Sleeping With Other Men For Money Making

He said: “I know she’s working but I don’t think of her as being with other men. It’s a job. She’s having sex but she’s not making love. Not like we do.

“I differentiated it right from the start. OMG! See A Man Allowed His Fiancée To Keep Sleeping With Other Men For Money Making

“What we have together is special. I never knew love could be so ­wonderful.

“I have at last found a lovely girl who is ­sympathetic, caring and very sweet. She is all I have ever wanted. I’m a lucky man.

His mum Lillian said: “I’m thrilled to bits. Andrew is so happy with Kat. There’s nothing at all I could say wrong about her.

“I’ve never seen him smile and laugh as much as he has done since this ­wonderful woman came into his and my life. She has lifted the whole mood of the house. OMG! See A Man Allowed His Fiancée To Keep Sleeping With Other Men For Money Making

“Kat is charming, ­thoughtful and caring. I know what she does for a living. Andrew told me. I wished she didn’t do it but that’s her choice. We never mention it. I don’t want to embarrass her.

“She is such a sweet and lovely person. I told her she’s like a ­daughter to me. She hugged me with tears in her eyes.

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“I judge people how they are with me. I don’t listen to tittle tattle.”

Lillian, who used to manage a team of 30 at an insurance firm in Manchester, ­added: “I count myself as a good judge of character. I’m looking ­forward to the wedding. I’m getting a big hat.”

Andrew, who works in motorway ­planning, said: “I told my closest friends at work. They were very pleased for me. Their views are liberal.”

Kat has starred in blue movies including Sugar Daddy and Vampyre Lovers and has achieved a certain renown.

She appeared on Jeremy Kyle in 2009 with twin sister Kit to talk about their career in porn films. Last year she went on This Morning to talk about how she was ­giving students ­discounts for sex.


She told hosts Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford: “You get student ­discount on pizza so why not this?”

Andrew said he had spoken to Kat’s sister on the phone and invited her to the wedding. He recalled: “She was very friendly. I’ve not spoken to her ­mother.

“Kat’s relationship is strained with her mother.” He added that Kat ­considers Lilian as her “adopted mum”.

Kat said: “Andrew came to me as a ­client in October and we clicked ­immediately. He took me to Paris last month and we had a wonderful time.

“He asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted. I can’t ­believe Andrew proposed.

“Now we both want a ­family. Children and lots of them. If I get ­pregnant I’ll stop working.

“Andrew is wonderful. He is such a lovely person and I couldn’t help falling in love. I am so very, very lucky to have met him.”

She said of her work: “I see around five clients a day. It’s my job. It’s what I do, what I am known for.

“I can separate it from what I have with Andrew. He’s made me very happy. My regret is that I could have had a ­normal nine-to-five job like a drama teacher, which is what I wanted to do.

“I really want a normal job now because I’m getting to that age when I want to settle down. But it’s difficult if people google my background.

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“Sometimes they have seen me on This Morning or Jeremy Kyle , then ­afterwards you do get ­nasty messages.

“But when people meet me they think I’m a really nice person.”

Kat, who has been ­doing porn and escorting since she was 18, added: “If young people want to get into the industry I want them to really think about it first.

“Everybody thinks it is a ­glamorous lifestyle but it’s got pros and cons.”

Andrew, from Manchester, admitted his shyness made him “­”

He said: “I had no confidence with women and didn’t date at all. I’ve had a romance previously, two relationships, but it was nothing like I have with Kat.”

He lost his virginity to a prostitute when he was 39 but it was not pleasant.

Andrew recalled: “She was nasty and aggressive with me. It was a bad ­experience. I thought I’d never find love. Kat is a different person altogether. I’d seen videos of her and heard her­ ­talking and laughing online so I phoned her and booked her for sex.

“She made me confident, something I’ve never had in my life with ­women.

“I work hard but at the same time so does she. I don’t want her to give up her job. It’s what she does and when you love someone you want them to be happy. That’s why we are perfect together.”

“I’ve had women use me for money and take advantage of my ­kindness in the past and I’ve been deeply hurt.”

“Mum has been quite ill recently and needed ­hospital treatment and Kat took her and spent the day with her waiting on wards and for her prescription.

“My mum idolises Kat, and that means the world to me. I think Kat guessed I was going to propose because I ­borrowed a ring she wears so I could get the correct size ­engagement ring.

“I don’t begrudge a penny of what it cost. She is worth it.

“She is the shining light in my life and means the world to me.

“We’re planning a big white traditional wedding before the end of the year. It will be the best day of our lives.”




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