Research reveals that happier couples have 4 or more children
A British survey in 2014 found that couples without children tend to be happier in marriage. However, this seems to be a debatable conclusion.
A two-year research followed by Open University researchers has heard five thousand people of varying age groups, social classes and sexual orientation suggests that couples without children are more satisfied in their relationships than couples with children.
Research indicates that childless couples spend more time maintaining the relationship, supporting their partner, saying “I love you” and talking openly.
But the major gap left by the study is that mothers are happier with life in general than any other group analyzed.
“This indicates that having children can be a source of happiness for women,” say the authors.
But would this happiness be only the mothers’ feelings?
Another study, now from Edith Cowan University in Australia, found that happier parents not only have children but four children or more. And many parents should be twisting their noses at this conclusion, after all, if a child already gives work, imagine four or more? How can one be happier having more work and becoming exhausted?
According to Dr. Bronwyn Harman of Edith Cowan’s school of psychology and social science, it is possible. And their conclusion comes from a work of more than five years studying families, checking which are the happiest interviewing hundreds of parents to measure satisfaction, among other parameters.
Based on the assumption that parents are more unhappy than happy about the work they give their children, Dr. Harman was surprised to learn that this is not so. She found that the degree of happiness of both parents is commensurate with the effort they make in creating the family.
The research concluded that, in a sense, both hypotheses are right – parents who have never planned to have children, certainly can find greater satisfaction having none or at most one. Parents who dream of having a large family will be more unhappy if they do not reach the planned amount. “Parents often say they want a big family, that this was planned and it’s a lifestyle they chose,” she concludes.
Although many children are often synonymous with chaos and expenses, research has further shown that these unpleasant issues are relieved through the joy of having more children.
But if a couple is dissatisfied with the relationship, it is no use running to have more children. Children do not save relationship and should be a mutual planning.
The study then concluded that the result of having the desired amount of children is not a better relationship only, it is a happier family.
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