4 Things to Do When Your Child Experiences Constipation

4 Things to Do When Your Child Experiences Constipation
You can do the following things when your child experiences constipation.
Increase the amount of water your child drinks in order to soften stools and make them easier to pass. In addition, include high fibre foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grain cereals in your child’s daily meals. Limit low fibre foods which may constipation.
Check for food intolerance
You should watch what your child eats and if she is sensitive to a particular food, you might want to take it off her menu.
Get your child to move her body as exercising the body also gets the bowels moving.
Good experience
Make potty time a good time by getting a comfortable potty for your child and encourage your child to use the potty regularly; reward her with a hug and a sticker.
Listen to the paediatrician
Your child’s doctor may recommend some medicine for your child’s constipation please listen to the doctor. Also, discuss current supplements and medication your toddler uses with the doctor in order to ascertain if these are the cause of chronic constipation your baby is experiencing.
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