Three Things You Need To Watch About Online Dating And Scammers
With the security of not having to expose yourself and through sites that are meant to help people find someone virtually, many women spend much of their free time looking for a dating online.
But unfortunately, not always the people who go to this site are who they say they are. What should you watch out for?
1) Never shows
The only way you will see it will be through a photo. It seems strange to have an internet dating with someone you can not see, but they always find a way to curry you. Most of them say they do not have a webcam or that their computer is old and that, unfortunately, can not be seen “live”.
There are those who dare to show who they really are and do not deny a video conversation. “The most common thing is to hide who he really is. You will see only one photo that, in most cases, is not his. If you see it on the webcam, be careful, it could be a video.”
2) If it says, foreigner
Clearly, on websites we can meet people who are anywhere in the world. However, they are not very creative. “Most people say they live in the UK. If they do not go from there, they may be from Turkey. ” The Turks are bolder. In addition to revealing who they really are, they often promise a marriage in a matter of a few days. “They say it’s a custom of their culture and it really is. But often, your internet dating may not be exclusive. While he is her fiancé, there are five more women waiting to go up to the altar with him. ”
3) His work requires him to travel a lot
This is the perfect excuse to disappear for a few days or to start the coup. “In one of the trips, he loses his credit card or is robbed. And that’s how he asks you for the first batch of money.” So be careful. The time he spends speaking to you, or even time restriction may be signs not only of being a scammer but of being a married man. He may say that dating online is difficult to maintain, but that for you will do everything in your power to make it work. “They’re not afraid to sound too cheesy or romantic. They want to conquer you at all costs, as soon as possible.”
We are not saying that the man of your dream is not online, but just watch it so that you don’t get into so much trouble of scammers around the world.