Home » Unbelievable! See Goat Born Without Eyes With Human-like Lips

Unbelievable! See Goat Born Without Eyes With Human-like Lips

by Oba Samuel
Unbelievable! See Goat Born Without Eyes With Human-like Lips

Unbelievable! See Goat Born Without Eyes With Human-like Lips

A rare event occurred as a strange goat is born in a village which has no eyes but with human-like lips.A kind hearted farmer has decided to hand-reared it. Unbelievable! See Goat Born Without Eyes With Human-like Lips

According to mirror,the farmer, known as V Chandra, admitted he was shocked when he saw the newborn animal for the first time but his wife told him to “save” the goat.

(Photo: Newslions / SWNS.com)

He has remained determined to keep the bizarre looking animal, despite locals advising him to let it die.

The goat was born without eyes due to a rare genetic condition which stops them developing.

The couple in Balussery, Kerala in India are now hand-rearing the goat which cannot feed off its mother.


V Chandra said: “Our family has been rearing cattle for generations and we have never heard or seen something like this.

“My neighbours branded it evil and suggested to let it die – but my wife put her foot down that the baby must be saved. Unbelievable! See Goat Born Without Eyes With Human-like Lips

“We were shocked to see the baby born without eyes.”

Vets have revealed the goat has a rare disorder anophthalmia which does not allow eye tissue to grow.

(Photo: Newslions / SWNS.com)

The disorder usually develops during pregnancy and can cause other birth defects such as abnormal brain development.

It is thought to be caused by genetic mutations or exposure to X-rays, chemicals, or viruses.

The black and white goat has abnormally large “human-like” development, according to villagers who have seen the animal.

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