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Why most women avoid breastfeeding their babies

by Abbey Lily

Why most women avoid breastfeeding their babies

Why most women avoid breastfeeding their babies

Why most women avoid breastfeeding their babies

By Bisi Oludare

Despite the increase in breastfeeding awareness for women after childbirth due to its benefits for both mother and child, it is still a thing of concern to see that some women prefer to bottle-feed their babies with formulas, giving excuses for why breastfeeding might not be possible.

Fear of breast sagging: The new thing with the millennial ladies is the craze to keep their breast intact and firm. They see breastfeeding as an enemy to this, as it will make their breast sag with prolong suckling by the baby.

Solution: This is not absolutely true if you breastfeed rightly and you watch what you do after breastfeeding. Don’t live a sedentary lifestyle

Fear of appropriate way to wean the child when it is time: Many children find it difficult to eat another food except from breast milk and so some mothers give such reason as the fear of getting to wean the baby without problem of getting their breast swollen

Solution: Know that it is normal for babies to reject other foods at the start but with time they will cooperate.

Health Challenge: This case is an exception as sound health is important for breastfeeding to even prevent the child from being affected. So far, it seems this is the only much acceptable reason for not breastfeeding

Solution: Try as much as possible to get yourself treated because your overall health is needed for good motherhood and parenting


They don’t want to expose their breast in public: A lot of ladies think they are too classy to expose their breast in the public. The earlier you know nobody is looking at you the better

Solution: See this stage as a joyful stage and cease complaining. You will be better for it

They don’t want to gain weight: This is one of the challenges most mothers are faced with after childbirth. Since they already added extra weight during pregnancy, they believe breastfeeding will make them eat more and in turn increase their weight.

Solution: See motherhood as a blessing because many are praying to be in your shoes

Problem of waking up in the middle of the night: Some find it difficult to keep waking up at interval at night to breastfeed. Some women cannot joke with their sleep at this moment as said by an anonymous banker. She said: “It is not easy to leave home early, return late and still have to keep late night because I want to breastfeed when I can safely get formula”

Solution: Weigh the effect of breast milk and formula on your baby. This will help you make a better choice

Pain: There is this myth about feeling pains when you breastfeed and many women have been brain-washed to believe this since it came form rather ‘experienced mothers’. This in most cases is wrong and there is no sound basis for it

Solution: See this as a major myth that doesn’t affect all women depending on how you do the breastfeeding

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Why most women avoid breastfeeding their babies
Why most women avoid breastfeeding their babies

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