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7 steps to achieving your goal

by Family Center
7 Effective Techniques to Goals Actualization

In the quest to achieving greatness in life, the need for consistency in faith, dedication to hard work and giving less regard to our failures cannot be overemphasised.

The process of becoming unstoppable begins when you start dreaming big. This is why it is necessary you understand how to achieve your goals.

All successful men are dreamers but in achieving their dreams, some goals lies ahead of them which is what they strive to achieve before they begin commanding mastery in their field or before the attainment of any success.

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The following are 7 steps on how you can achieve your goal


Step One: Decide Exactly what you want

A real goal is clear, specific and measurable and time-bound. A non-goal is a mere wish or hope which is fuzzy and unclear. Your ability to decide exactly what you want in each area of your life is one of the most important responsibilities of an adult.

Also, use your time wisely. To decide whether something is a good use of your time. Just ask, “does this move me towards the achievement of one of my goals? If such activity helps you to achieve a goal you have set for yourself, it is a good use of time. Remember, if you don’t know where you are going, every road will look like it.


Step Two: Write down your goals

The prospect of any set goal starts to be seen when it is penned down on paper. There is something quite incredible that happens between the brain and the hand. When you take a paper and pen to write down your goals, you activate some three important laws.

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These laws are laws of expectation, attraction and correspondence simultaneously.


Step Three: Be willing to pay the price

Of course, you know that you can’t buy any grocery in the mall without being ready to part with some cash, so it is with achieving your goal. Make a To-do list of everything if you want to make your goal a reality.

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Step Four: Make a detailed plan

A plan begins with making a detailed list of things to be done with a view to achieving your goal. Once you’ve made your list, you can further add new items as they occur to you.


Step Five: Take action on your plan

Once you have set a goal, determine your actions required to actualize it. No matter how big or small your move might be, make sure it is channelled into the actualization of your goal. The Bible even has it written that faith without works is dead.


Step Six: Do something Everyday

Anyone who desires to achieve any goal would not dedicate so much time to leisure. Do something every day that moves you toward your most important goal. This is a vital success principle that generates energy and enthusiasm for you to maintain your courage, confidence and self-motivation. The bottom-line is that you need to do something every day to reach your preferred, success destination.


Step Seven: Trust in God, Never Give up

There is nothing we can actually achieve without any supernatural force. Put God in the ‘race’ so as to enjoy Grace. Never give up on your pursuit in the actualization of your goal. Resolve in advance that you will never ever quit since you have started the journey en route your success. No matter how many setbacks or obstacles there is, make the decision that you will keep on picking yourself up and persisting until you eventually succeed.

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